Species Composition and Seasonal Abundance of Family Nemipteridae from Nyaungtan Jetty, Pazuntung Township, Yangon Region, Myanma

Authors : Sandar Win, Theingi Soe Myint, Yee Yee Lwin, Moe Thidar Htwe.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2HzJ6W4

Abstract : Species composition and seasonal abundance of Family Nemipteridae collected from Nyaungtan Pazuntaung Township was studied during the study period July 2013 to March 2015. Sample collection was conducted monthly and identified. Seasonal occurrence of the species was recorded monthly. Four fish species belonging to family Nemipteridae under three genera of order Percifarmes were recorded. Nemipterids japonicas was commonly found in all seasons. Parascalopsis aspinosa was recorded for the first time from Myanmar.

Keywords : Nemipteridae, Shwe-Nga, Nyaungtan Jetty, Threadfin Bream.

Species composition and seasonal abundance of Family Nemipteridae collected from Nyaungtan Pazuntaung Township was studied during the study period July 2013 to March 2015. Sample collection was conducted monthly and identified. Seasonal occurrence of the species was recorded monthly. Four fish species belonging to family Nemipteridae under three genera of order Percifarmes were recorded. Nemipterids japonicas was commonly found in all seasons. Parascalopsis aspinosa was recorded for the first time from Myanmar.

Keywords : Nemipteridae, Shwe-Nga, Nyaungtan Jetty, Threadfin Bream.

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