Steven Johnsons Syndrome Induced by Carbamezapene

Authors : Dr. Prarthana Kishore ; Dr. Raghavendra Kini ; Dr. Meghana HC ; Dr. Roopashri Kashyap ; Dr. Gowri Bhandarkar ; Dr. Ujwala Shetty ; Dr. Malvika Amin

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 4 - April

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Abstract : Stevens – Johnson syndrome (SJS) is characterized by rapidly spreading blisters which occur in the form of macules or target lesions which has clinical features which may be potentially fatal. It is usually associated with drugs such as anticonvulsants including carbamazepine, lamotarigine, phenobarbotal, phenytoin and valproic acid. This is a rare case report in which we describe a case of Steven Johnsons Syndrome induced by Carbamezapene that was prescribed to treat trigeminal neuralgia affecting the oro-facial region.

Keywords : Carbamazepine, drug hypersensitivity reaction, Steven- Johnson syndrome, trigeminal neuralgia

Stevens – Johnson syndrome (SJS) is characterized by rapidly spreading blisters which occur in the form of macules or target lesions which has clinical features which may be potentially fatal. It is usually associated with drugs such as anticonvulsants including carbamazepine, lamotarigine, phenobarbotal, phenytoin and valproic acid. This is a rare case report in which we describe a case of Steven Johnsons Syndrome induced by Carbamezapene that was prescribed to treat trigeminal neuralgia affecting the oro-facial region.

Keywords : Carbamazepine, drug hypersensitivity reaction, Steven- Johnson syndrome, trigeminal neuralgia

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