Strategy for Establishing Environmental Communication in Instruding Environmental Care Behavior at Adiwiyata School, Bekasi 7 Sma Negeri

Authors : Syerli Haryati; Vania Utamie Subiakto

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 1 - January

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Abstract : School as an educational unit that is capable of optimizing all environmental learning to build, strengthen, or continuously improve educational character processes, including the character of caring for the environment as a form of the adiwiyata program at SMA Negeri 7 Bekasi. Adiwiyata Program, developed based on norms in life which include: togetherness, openness, equality, honesty, fairness and preservation of environmental functions and natural resources. The goal is to create good conditions for schools to become places of learning and to raise awareness among school members to take responsibility for efforts to save the environment and sustainable development. The principles of Adiwiyata are Educative, Participatory and Sustainable. The purpose of this study was to find out the strategy for establishing environmental communication carried out by the Civitas SMA Negeri 7 Bekasi in instilling Environmental Care Behavior to all students at this Adiwiyata School. By using the concept of environmental communication which is linked to the Sustainable Development Goals in an effort to instill Environmentally Concerned Behavior among students. As well as using the theory used is the Theory of Planned Behavior from Fishbein and Ajzen.

Keywords : Strategy, Formation of Environmental Communication, Adiwiyata School, Environmental Care Behavior, Theory of Planned Behavior.

School as an educational unit that is capable of optimizing all environmental learning to build, strengthen, or continuously improve educational character processes, including the character of caring for the environment as a form of the adiwiyata program at SMA Negeri 7 Bekasi. Adiwiyata Program, developed based on norms in life which include: togetherness, openness, equality, honesty, fairness and preservation of environmental functions and natural resources. The goal is to create good conditions for schools to become places of learning and to raise awareness among school members to take responsibility for efforts to save the environment and sustainable development. The principles of Adiwiyata are Educative, Participatory and Sustainable. The purpose of this study was to find out the strategy for establishing environmental communication carried out by the Civitas SMA Negeri 7 Bekasi in instilling Environmental Care Behavior to all students at this Adiwiyata School. By using the concept of environmental communication which is linked to the Sustainable Development Goals in an effort to instill Environmentally Concerned Behavior among students. As well as using the theory used is the Theory of Planned Behavior from Fishbein and Ajzen.

Keywords : Strategy, Formation of Environmental Communication, Adiwiyata School, Environmental Care Behavior, Theory of Planned Behavior.

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