Authors :
Ayu Trishya Kartika; I Wayan Sukadana
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
The development of technology makes human
life activities easier. There are many new breakthroughs
in the field of technology to support human life, such as in
the financial industri which is currently widely used by
the public. One of the financial industries that is currently
popularly used by the public is Peer-to-peer lending
Online Loans. The purpose of this study was to determine
the structure and behavior of the peer to peer lending
industri in Indonesia and the relationship between the
structure and behavior of the P2P lending industri in
Indonesia. This type of research is quantitative and
qualitative. This research uses secondary data, namely
data from 2021-2022 obtained from the OJK and primary
data for 2023 obtained from the websites of each
company. The number of samples is 102 which is
determined using saturated sampling technique. Data
were analyzed using hypothesis testing, concentration
calculations and qualitative descriptive. The results of the
study show that the structure of the P2P lending industri
in Indonesia is in the form of oligopoly, the behavioral
strategies adopted by the P2P lending industri are vertical
restraint, vertical integration and product differentiation.
The results of the study found that there’s no correlation
between market share and interest rates, and there’s
correlation between market share and advertising costs.
Keywords :
SCP Theory, Concentration Ratio, HHI, P2P lending, Integration Vertikal, Vertikal Restrain, Product Differentiation.
The development of technology makes human
life activities easier. There are many new breakthroughs
in the field of technology to support human life, such as in
the financial industri which is currently widely used by
the public. One of the financial industries that is currently
popularly used by the public is Peer-to-peer lending
Online Loans. The purpose of this study was to determine
the structure and behavior of the peer to peer lending
industri in Indonesia and the relationship between the
structure and behavior of the P2P lending industri in
Indonesia. This type of research is quantitative and
qualitative. This research uses secondary data, namely
data from 2021-2022 obtained from the OJK and primary
data for 2023 obtained from the websites of each
company. The number of samples is 102 which is
determined using saturated sampling technique. Data
were analyzed using hypothesis testing, concentration
calculations and qualitative descriptive. The results of the
study show that the structure of the P2P lending industri
in Indonesia is in the form of oligopoly, the behavioral
strategies adopted by the P2P lending industri are vertical
restraint, vertical integration and product differentiation.
The results of the study found that there’s no correlation
between market share and interest rates, and there’s
correlation between market share and advertising costs.
Keywords :
SCP Theory, Concentration Ratio, HHI, P2P lending, Integration Vertikal, Vertikal Restrain, Product Differentiation.