Structuring of Catchment Area and Sediment Management in Selorejo Reservoir in a Sustainable Manner

Authors : Anggi Setyo Wibowo; Suriptono; Gunawan Wibisono

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : The gross reservoir capacity of Selorejo Reservoir in 2019 has decreased to 29.73 million m3 , or 47.72% of the planned gross reservoir capacity due to sedimentation. Decreased reservoir capacity leads to reduced water allocation for energy generation (PLTA), fulfillment of irrigation in the dry season and ability to control floods in the rainy season. The analysis of the potential for land erosion used in this study is using the USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) method. Sedimentation management strategy in Selorejo Reservoir is by structuring the catchment area and managing sediment in the reservoir in a sustainable manner. The sedimentation potential that occurs in Selorejo Reservoir catchment area is 609,328.60 m3 /year. The structuring strategy implemented in the catchment area to support the sustainability of the function of Selorejo Reservoir is expected to reduce the potential of sediment by 580,000 m3 by planning sediment control buildings, critical land rehabilitation, and sediment dredging at TokolSabo Dam. The sediment management strategy applied in selorejo reservoirs to support the sustainability of reservoir function is to dredge sediment by 200,000 m3 /year, and the need for good management related to dredging activities, spoilbank preparation, hauling and utilization of sediment material.

Keywords : sedimentation, catchment area, reservoir, sustainable.

The gross reservoir capacity of Selorejo Reservoir in 2019 has decreased to 29.73 million m3 , or 47.72% of the planned gross reservoir capacity due to sedimentation. Decreased reservoir capacity leads to reduced water allocation for energy generation (PLTA), fulfillment of irrigation in the dry season and ability to control floods in the rainy season. The analysis of the potential for land erosion used in this study is using the USLE (Universal Soil Loss Equation) method. Sedimentation management strategy in Selorejo Reservoir is by structuring the catchment area and managing sediment in the reservoir in a sustainable manner. The sedimentation potential that occurs in Selorejo Reservoir catchment area is 609,328.60 m3 /year. The structuring strategy implemented in the catchment area to support the sustainability of the function of Selorejo Reservoir is expected to reduce the potential of sediment by 580,000 m3 by planning sediment control buildings, critical land rehabilitation, and sediment dredging at TokolSabo Dam. The sediment management strategy applied in selorejo reservoirs to support the sustainability of reservoir function is to dredge sediment by 200,000 m3 /year, and the need for good management related to dredging activities, spoilbank preparation, hauling and utilization of sediment material.

Keywords : sedimentation, catchment area, reservoir, sustainable.

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