Study and Analysis of Self Healing Materials with Reversibility and Movement Across Cross Links;Realization of Self Healing Through the Process of Chaos, Complexity and Order

Authors : Sarbajit Roy; Vishal Kumar

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : Self healing materials are materials which,after fracture and are able to recover their mechanical properties and functions. The lifetime of these materials is thus increased, saving the environment. The first reports of self healing materials appeared in 2008. thus beginning the era of these materials. The reports cited supramolecular chemistry to realize the properties of self healing materials because of heir reversibility. The first report based on the hydrogen bond was reported in 2008. and since then many others have been reported Self healing properties have been found mostly in polymers, elastomers. metals, composites and ceramics. This paper further utilizes Chaos, Complexity and subsequent order in realizing the procedures of self healing.

References :

  1. Self Healing materials - A Review; Materials Today: Proceedings, 12 Feb. 2021; D. Jayabalakrishnan, D.B. Naga Muruga, P.Bhaskar, P.Pavan, et al
  2. Self Healing materials :  System Overview of Major Approaches and Recent Developed Technologies Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, February 2012 (2687 - 8634) DOI 10.155/2012// 854203; Braham Aissa, Theriault Daniel, Emile Haddard, W.Jamroz
  3. Designs of self healing and self restoring materials utilizing reversible and moving cross links NPG Asia Materials 14, Article Number 10 (2022); Ryohei Ikura, Junius Park, Yoshinori Takashima
  4. Self Healing Materials Research Beckman Institute for advanced Science and Technology Jeff Moore, Park Braun? Nancy Sottos, Scott White, Philppe Geubelle
  5. Shape Memory Materials Materials Today, Volume 13, Issue 7-8, Pages 54-61; W . M. Huang, Z . Ding, C . C. Wang, J . Wei, Y . Zhao, H . Purnawati
  6. Advances in Materials in the Self Healing Properties :  A Brief Review Materials (Basel) 2024 (May 20) (17/10) ; 2464 . DOI: 10.3390/ma17102464; Rashid Dallaev

Self healing materials are materials which,after fracture and are able to recover their mechanical properties and functions. The lifetime of these materials is thus increased, saving the environment. The first reports of self healing materials appeared in 2008. thus beginning the era of these materials. The reports cited supramolecular chemistry to realize the properties of self healing materials because of heir reversibility. The first report based on the hydrogen bond was reported in 2008. and since then many others have been reported Self healing properties have been found mostly in polymers, elastomers. metals, composites and ceramics. This paper further utilizes Chaos, Complexity and subsequent order in realizing the procedures of self healing.

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