Authors :
Gusti Noviar Kusuma; Henry Wardhana
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
Tanah Laut Regency is one of the areas most
severely affected by floods in South Kalimantan in 2021.
Looking at the tender announcement process for handling
post-flood disasters that hit Tanah Laut Regency, there are
significant differences from several construction works
that are being tendered. There are significant changes in
Perpres No 12 / 2021 regarding the limit on the packaging
value of the procurement of construction services for small
and micro businesses to be six times the previous value.
Based on the results of the study, there are variables,
namely cost, risk complexity, and technology.
Based on the results of the study, the validity test was
tested by comparing the correlation coefficient of
Spearman's rank with the critical value concerned with the
Spearmen Rank coefficient (R) greater than the critical
value (R0.05 = 0.37) concluded that all items were valid.
The reliability test was carried out by comparing
Cronbach's alpha (α) with a minimum value of reliability
with a value of > 0.60 with the conclusion that all data were
reliable. This strategy of increasing
influence/satisfaction/understanding is based on
improving the indicators of the lowest value in each
variable so that the packaging of construction work does
not only mention the amount of cost and complexity but
also pays attention to the risk and technology parameters
in packaging the PBJP planning
Keywords :
Packaging, Risk, Technology, Cost, Complexity.
Tanah Laut Regency is one of the areas most
severely affected by floods in South Kalimantan in 2021.
Looking at the tender announcement process for handling
post-flood disasters that hit Tanah Laut Regency, there are
significant differences from several construction works
that are being tendered. There are significant changes in
Perpres No 12 / 2021 regarding the limit on the packaging
value of the procurement of construction services for small
and micro businesses to be six times the previous value.
Based on the results of the study, there are variables,
namely cost, risk complexity, and technology.
Based on the results of the study, the validity test was
tested by comparing the correlation coefficient of
Spearman's rank with the critical value concerned with the
Spearmen Rank coefficient (R) greater than the critical
value (R0.05 = 0.37) concluded that all items were valid.
The reliability test was carried out by comparing
Cronbach's alpha (α) with a minimum value of reliability
with a value of > 0.60 with the conclusion that all data were
reliable. This strategy of increasing
influence/satisfaction/understanding is based on
improving the indicators of the lowest value in each
variable so that the packaging of construction work does
not only mention the amount of cost and complexity but
also pays attention to the risk and technology parameters
in packaging the PBJP planning
Keywords :
Packaging, Risk, Technology, Cost, Complexity.