Study on Career Goal of 10th Class Government School Students, Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh, India

Authors : Sankara Pitchaiah Podila.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 1 - January

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Abstract : Eight Zilla Parishad High schools from the Guntur Rural area and six Guntur Municipal Corporation schools were selected for studying their Career goal. A total of 1047, 10th class students from rural (551) and urban schools (496) were participated and given their response. Statistical analysis was carried out to compare the goal differences between rural and urban students. The study observed that significant difference is found with doctor and police profession. 21.42% of rural students were preferred doctor, which is only 3.23% in the case of urban school students. The preference is opposite in relation to the police. 14.72% of urban students were shown interest towards it, but only 6.72% rural students opted the career. Regarding the remaining careers, except minor differences, there was no significant difference in goal preference between rural and urban school students.

Keywords : Guntur Municipal Corporation, rural schools, urban schools, career goal

Eight Zilla Parishad High schools from the Guntur Rural area and six Guntur Municipal Corporation schools were selected for studying their Career goal. A total of 1047, 10th class students from rural (551) and urban schools (496) were participated and given their response. Statistical analysis was carried out to compare the goal differences between rural and urban students. The study observed that significant difference is found with doctor and police profession. 21.42% of rural students were preferred doctor, which is only 3.23% in the case of urban school students. The preference is opposite in relation to the police. 14.72% of urban students were shown interest towards it, but only 6.72% rural students opted the career. Regarding the remaining careers, except minor differences, there was no significant difference in goal preference between rural and urban school students.

Keywords : Guntur Municipal Corporation, rural schools, urban schools, career goal

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