Authors :
Dr Kyi Kyi Myint, Dr Tin Lay Mar, Dr Khin Mg Htay
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
A total of 26 species belonging to 22 genera
and 15 families were recorded from the mangrove areas
along the Thaung-ga-done creek, Pyapone Township,
Ayeyawady Region. The recorded families included
Acanthaceae, Meliaceae, Avicenniaceae, Leguminosae,
Asclepidaceae, Sterculiaceae, Palmae and
Sonneratiaceae. Among those, Avicenniaceae family
represented the highest diversity and abundance in the
study areas followed by Rhizophoraceae family and
Acanthaceae family. Along the creek, Avicennia offinalis,
Acanthus ebractraus and Bruigyira cylindrica species
were dominated. However, Derris trifoliata and
Sesapenia sp. were also represented as the abundance
species among the mangrove associate species. Seven
transect lines were laid along the creek. Simpson's index
and Shannon Weiner index were used as tools for
measuring the diversity and abundance of the plant
species. Highest diversity value by Simpson's index was
0.82 in transect 3 and by Shannon Weiner index was 2.78
in transect 3.
Keywords :
Delta, Simpson's index, Shannon Weiner index.
A total of 26 species belonging to 22 genera
and 15 families were recorded from the mangrove areas
along the Thaung-ga-done creek, Pyapone Township,
Ayeyawady Region. The recorded families included
Acanthaceae, Meliaceae, Avicenniaceae, Leguminosae,
Asclepidaceae, Sterculiaceae, Palmae and
Sonneratiaceae. Among those, Avicenniaceae family
represented the highest diversity and abundance in the
study areas followed by Rhizophoraceae family and
Acanthaceae family. Along the creek, Avicennia offinalis,
Acanthus ebractraus and Bruigyira cylindrica species
were dominated. However, Derris trifoliata and
Sesapenia sp. were also represented as the abundance
species among the mangrove associate species. Seven
transect lines were laid along the creek. Simpson's index
and Shannon Weiner index were used as tools for
measuring the diversity and abundance of the plant
species. Highest diversity value by Simpson's index was
0.82 in transect 3 and by Shannon Weiner index was 2.78
in transect 3.
Keywords :
Delta, Simpson's index, Shannon Weiner index.