Successful Dental Management of a Child with Cerebral Palsy: Non-Pharmacological Management Techniques Revisited


Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 4 - April

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Abstract : Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a chronic and nonprogressive disorder caused due to injuries to the brain in the early stages of life. CP patients are dependent on their caregivers and their oral health experience may be largely influenced by factors such as their caregiver’s knowledge and awareness regarding oral health related issues and their socioeconomic circumstances. The existing literature suggests that CP children generally have poorer overall oral health due to increased incidence of dental caries than non-CP children, with more extractions, poorer quality restorations of decayed teeth and poor oral hygiene. Thus, this is a case report of an 8 year old child diagnosed with spastic cerebral palsy who was successfully treated in the dental clinic with the aim to help practitioners in understanding the management of cerebral palsy cases in a dental setting. The case report also sheds light on the role of pediatric dentist in instilling a positive dental attitude in Cp patients and their parents.

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a chronic and nonprogressive disorder caused due to injuries to the brain in the early stages of life. CP patients are dependent on their caregivers and their oral health experience may be largely influenced by factors such as their caregiver’s knowledge and awareness regarding oral health related issues and their socioeconomic circumstances. The existing literature suggests that CP children generally have poorer overall oral health due to increased incidence of dental caries than non-CP children, with more extractions, poorer quality restorations of decayed teeth and poor oral hygiene. Thus, this is a case report of an 8 year old child diagnosed with spastic cerebral palsy who was successfully treated in the dental clinic with the aim to help practitioners in understanding the management of cerebral palsy cases in a dental setting. The case report also sheds light on the role of pediatric dentist in instilling a positive dental attitude in Cp patients and their parents.

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