Supply Chain Risk Analysis and Mitigation Using House of Risk in Furniture SMEs

Authors : Mardiana; Elisa Kusrini

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : In each supply chain, both large and small companies have different levels of risk, which can have an impact on the continuity of the production process. Problems such as engine damage, late delivery, defective products, and others always occur and need to be addressed immediately. This study aims to identify the risks that have occurred or are likely to occur in the supply chain of Simaluy SMEs and determine which risks should be prioritized for mitigation using the HOR method. From the results of interviews and observations, the researchers found 18 risk events and 21 risk agents. Furthermore, HOR 2 proposed 8 preventive actions and determine the company's mitigation priorities based on the ratio of effectiveness to difficulty in implementing preventive measures.

Keywords : Aggregate Risk potential, HOR, preventive actions, Risk agent, Risk event, Supply Chain.

In each supply chain, both large and small companies have different levels of risk, which can have an impact on the continuity of the production process. Problems such as engine damage, late delivery, defective products, and others always occur and need to be addressed immediately. This study aims to identify the risks that have occurred or are likely to occur in the supply chain of Simaluy SMEs and determine which risks should be prioritized for mitigation using the HOR method. From the results of interviews and observations, the researchers found 18 risk events and 21 risk agents. Furthermore, HOR 2 proposed 8 preventive actions and determine the company's mitigation priorities based on the ratio of effectiveness to difficulty in implementing preventive measures.

Keywords : Aggregate Risk potential, HOR, preventive actions, Risk agent, Risk event, Supply Chain.

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