Surgical Protocols for Handling Covid-19 Positive Patient

Authors : Dr. Sharanya Ray

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : The covid 19 pandemic taught us the importance of using human and financial resources to the utmost. It has become very critical to understand the ability of our healthcare professionals and surgeons and to ensure their functionality during this time. Although it is not primarily a surgical entity, it has affected the surgical department in several ways. Both medicine and surgical departments have joined hands and are together fighting this disease. WHO and the government has laid down several guidelines and protocols for in and out of hospitals which are to be followed strictly. Several initiatives have been taken to reduce the risks and severity of this life threatening disease. This article aims to list down all the clinical and non clinical protocols which the hospitals should incorporate in their daily lives to face this pandemic.

Keywords : Covid 19, Surgical Protocol, Management, Precautions, Hospital challenges

The covid 19 pandemic taught us the importance of using human and financial resources to the utmost. It has become very critical to understand the ability of our healthcare professionals and surgeons and to ensure their functionality during this time. Although it is not primarily a surgical entity, it has affected the surgical department in several ways. Both medicine and surgical departments have joined hands and are together fighting this disease. WHO and the government has laid down several guidelines and protocols for in and out of hospitals which are to be followed strictly. Several initiatives have been taken to reduce the risks and severity of this life threatening disease. This article aims to list down all the clinical and non clinical protocols which the hospitals should incorporate in their daily lives to face this pandemic.

Keywords : Covid 19, Surgical Protocol, Management, Precautions, Hospital challenges

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