Authors :
Achmad Fawwaz Bahaudin; Aries Susanty; Singgih Saptadi
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Research on scheduling has been an ongoing
endeavor for quite some time, increasingly adapting to
advancements in industry practices. One particularly
intriguing area of study is the development of bi-criteria
objectives in scheduling. This research emphasizes that
scheduling considerations should transcend the
producer's viewpoint to also encompass customer
interests. However, investigations into bi-criteria
objectives remain relatively scarce. This study undertakes
a systematic literature review focused on scheduling
within flexible flow-shop systems. The methodological
steps include planning, selection, extraction, and
execution of relevant data. Data sources are drawn from
Scopus, covering the period from 1986 to 2022, with the
support of the Vosviewer tool. The study aims to elucidate
past research on bi-criteria objectives in flexible flow-
shop systems. From the studies conducted between 2016
and 2022, a notable research gap has been identified—
specifically, the potential for applying a Group
Scheduling model with bi-criteria objectives that
incorporates Sequence Dependent Setup Times (SDST) in
the context of non-identical parallel machines, presenting
promising avenues for future research.
Keywords :
Scheduling, Bi-Criteria Objective, Systematic Literature Review.
References :
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- J. S. Neufeld, J. N. D. Gupta and U. Buscher, "A comprehensive review of flowshop group scheduling literature," Computers & Operations Research 70 (2016), pp. 56-74, 2016.
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- M. L. Pinedo, Scheduling: Theory, Algorithm, and System, 5th Edition, New York: NYU Stern School of Business, 2016.
- J. S. Neufeld, S. Schulz and U. Buscher, "A systematic review of multi-objective hybrid flow shop scheduling," European Journal of Operation Research, 2022.
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- F. P. Golneshini and H. Fazlollahtabar, "Meta-heuristic algorithms for a clustering-based fuzzy bi-criteria hybrid flow shop scheduling problem," Soft Computing, 2019.
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- Z. Yang and C. Liu, "A hybrid multi-objective gray wolf optimization algorithm for a fuzzy blocking flow shop scheduling problem," Advances in Mechanical Engineering, pp. Vol 10 (3) 1-13, 2018.
- S. Khalfallah and Z. Nabli, "A hybrid data envelopment analysis_decision tree approach to evaluate the bi-criteria flow shop with blocking problem," Int. J. Operational Research, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp. 201-222, 2018.
- L. Xue and X. Wang, "A multi-objective discrete differential evolution algorithm for energy-efficient two-stage flow shop scheduling under time-of-use electricity tariffs," Applied Soft Computing 133 (2023), pp. 1-19, 2023.
- E. M. González-Neira, R. G. García-Cáceres, J. P. Caballero-Villalobos, L. P. Molina-Sánchez and J. R. Montoya-Torres, "Stochastic flexible flow shop scheduling problem under quantitative and qualitative decision criteria," Computers & Industrial Engineering 101, pp. 128-144, 2016.
- O. Shahvari and R. Logendran, "Hybrid flow shop batching and scheduling with a bi-criteria objective," International Journal Production Economics, pp. 239-258, 2016.
- B. Vaisi, H. Farughi and S. Raissi, "Bi-Criteria Robotic Cell Scheduling and Operation Allocation in the Presence of Break-downs," International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Production Research, pp. Volume 29, Number 3. pp 343-357, 2018.
- C. Yu, P. Andreotti and Q. Semeraro, "Multi-objective scheduling in hybrid flow shop: Evolutionary algorithms using multi-decoding framework," Computers & Industrial Engineering 147, pp. 1-19, 2020.
- Y. Qin and H. Zhang, "Elite Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Solving the Bi-Criteria No-wait Flexible Flow Shop Problem," International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing, pp. 267-282, 2016.
- O. Shahvari and R. Logendran, "A comparison of two stage-based hybrid algorithms for a batch scheduling problem in hybrid flow shop with learning effect," International Journal of Production Economics 195 , pp. 227-248, 2018.
Research on scheduling has been an ongoing
endeavor for quite some time, increasingly adapting to
advancements in industry practices. One particularly
intriguing area of study is the development of bi-criteria
objectives in scheduling. This research emphasizes that
scheduling considerations should transcend the
producer's viewpoint to also encompass customer
interests. However, investigations into bi-criteria
objectives remain relatively scarce. This study undertakes
a systematic literature review focused on scheduling
within flexible flow-shop systems. The methodological
steps include planning, selection, extraction, and
execution of relevant data. Data sources are drawn from
Scopus, covering the period from 1986 to 2022, with the
support of the Vosviewer tool. The study aims to elucidate
past research on bi-criteria objectives in flexible flow-
shop systems. From the studies conducted between 2016
and 2022, a notable research gap has been identified—
specifically, the potential for applying a Group
Scheduling model with bi-criteria objectives that
incorporates Sequence Dependent Setup Times (SDST) in
the context of non-identical parallel machines, presenting
promising avenues for future research.
Keywords :
Scheduling, Bi-Criteria Objective, Systematic Literature Review.