Authors :
Ayaaz Jaorawala
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
This study is about the marketing strategies used by tech companies these days to get attention of
us the consumers and attract us to buy their products. These marketing strategies makes them huge
profits. The paper is based on secondary data. We are living in a world where technology changes
every few months. Every month there is something new in the market weather it is smartphone,
laptop, computer, processors, or even earphones. Every brand has their own specific thing to attract
consumers, some have performance aspect, some have price aspect, some have design aspect, and
some focuses on all the aspects. But it is a fact that tech market is the fastest growing market in
today’s world. We see every person having a smartphone in his pocket nowadays. And we see people
changing smartphone every year or even in six months because new one is in the market. The tech
companies know how to create a need of their products in the consumer’s mind. They use excellent
presentations and promo videos to grab our attention and attract us.
This study is about the marketing strategies used by tech companies these days to get attention of
us the consumers and attract us to buy their products. These marketing strategies makes them huge
profits. The paper is based on secondary data. We are living in a world where technology changes
every few months. Every month there is something new in the market weather it is smartphone,
laptop, computer, processors, or even earphones. Every brand has their own specific thing to attract
consumers, some have performance aspect, some have price aspect, some have design aspect, and
some focuses on all the aspects. But it is a fact that tech market is the fastest growing market in
today’s world. We see every person having a smartphone in his pocket nowadays. And we see people
changing smartphone every year or even in six months because new one is in the market. The tech
companies know how to create a need of their products in the consumer’s mind. They use excellent
presentations and promo videos to grab our attention and attract us.