Authors :
Rusydi Umar, Sunardi, Yasinta Bella Fitriana
Volume/Issue :
Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 9 - September
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Abstract :
The decision-making process was always conducted in all daily activities, both in the household or the company. In decision-making process, many criteria of assessment required as the basis. As the decision support systems progressed, the criterias and basics for assessing a performance are growing as well. The number of criteria and limited resources sometimes makes the decision-making process takes a long time. Therefore a solution is created by creating a Decision Support System to assist decision makers in doing their work. Currently there are many studies that raise cases about the system. The research aims to make Taxonomy on Decision Support System based on a collection of Decision Support System’s cases and classify it based on the tools used, the type of implementation and the methods that are used often.
Keywords :
Taxonomy, Decision Support Systems, Technology, IT.
The decision-making process was always conducted in all daily activities, both in the household or the company. In decision-making process, many criteria of assessment required as the basis. As the decision support systems progressed, the criterias and basics for assessing a performance are growing as well. The number of criteria and limited resources sometimes makes the decision-making process takes a long time. Therefore a solution is created by creating a Decision Support System to assist decision makers in doing their work. Currently there are many studies that raise cases about the system. The research aims to make Taxonomy on Decision Support System based on a collection of Decision Support System’s cases and classify it based on the tools used, the type of implementation and the methods that are used often.
Keywords :
Taxonomy, Decision Support Systems, Technology, IT.