Teacher Leaders’ Experience in the Shared Leadership Model

Authors : Jaime Coyne, Tori Hollas, Mae Lane

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2lyO1xU

Abstract : Many school administrators are transitioning to a shared leadership model consisting of teacher leaders and administrators to collaborate and make decisions as a team. This type of model has shown to raise achievement among students creating a conducive environment for learning. In our pilot study, we examined current teacher leaders’ experiences in the role as a leader on their campus and found there is very little training for teacher leaders as shown in our study. We also share a few tips for administrators to help nurture and build leadership skills in teacher leaders.

Keywords : Teacher Leaders; Shared Leadership.

Many school administrators are transitioning to a shared leadership model consisting of teacher leaders and administrators to collaborate and make decisions as a team. This type of model has shown to raise achievement among students creating a conducive environment for learning. In our pilot study, we examined current teacher leaders’ experiences in the role as a leader on their campus and found there is very little training for teacher leaders as shown in our study. We also share a few tips for administrators to help nurture and build leadership skills in teacher leaders.

Keywords : Teacher Leaders; Shared Leadership.

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