Authors :
Dr B. Dani; Dr. A. KHAIRI; Dr Z. Sayad; Dr O. Bouanani;
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 3 - March
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Abstract :
Temporomandibular ankylosis (TMJ) is defined as a
permanent constriction of the jaws with a mouth opening
of less than 30 mm. It is a quite common condition in
developing countries. The origin of this pathology is
dominated by trauma. The treatment is surgical, several
techniques are used.
Patients and methods:
This is a retrospective study of cases collected at the
department of maxillofacial surgery and stomatology of
the IBN SINA university hospital in Rabat-MOROCCO.
It covers the period between January 2014-December
2018. All of our patients treated for intra-articular
temporomandibular ankylosis underwent a surgery of
resection with interposition of a costal cartilage graft.
Our technique had impressive results, we had no facial
nerve damages, an improvement in the mouth opening
and resumption of TMJ function was successful in all
our patients. And no cases of recurrence were observed
during the postoperative follow-up of our patients, with
a follow-up of at least 3 years.
Conclusion :
The management of the temporomandibular ankylosis is
difficult, several surgical techniques have been described
in the literature and the results are different from one
team to another. We had great results with our
technique that we will describe in this paper.
Keywords :
Temporomandibular Ankylosis, Reconstruction, Autologous Graf
Temporomandibular ankylosis (TMJ) is defined as a
permanent constriction of the jaws with a mouth opening
of less than 30 mm. It is a quite common condition in
developing countries. The origin of this pathology is
dominated by trauma. The treatment is surgical, several
techniques are used.
Patients and methods:
This is a retrospective study of cases collected at the
department of maxillofacial surgery and stomatology of
the IBN SINA university hospital in Rabat-MOROCCO.
It covers the period between January 2014-December
2018. All of our patients treated for intra-articular
temporomandibular ankylosis underwent a surgery of
resection with interposition of a costal cartilage graft.
Our technique had impressive results, we had no facial
nerve damages, an improvement in the mouth opening
and resumption of TMJ function was successful in all
our patients. And no cases of recurrence were observed
during the postoperative follow-up of our patients, with
a follow-up of at least 3 years.
Conclusion :
The management of the temporomandibular ankylosis is
difficult, several surgical techniques have been described
in the literature and the results are different from one
team to another. We had great results with our
technique that we will describe in this paper.
Keywords :
Temporomandibular Ankylosis, Reconstruction, Autologous Graf