The Change of Rice Bran Nutritional Composisition using Microwave Heating and Vacuum Packaging during Storage

Authors : I W. S. Yasa, A. Prarudiyanto and E. Basuki

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October

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Abstract : Deterioration of the crude oil in rice bran by lipase was very fast and, to a smaller extent, oxidase occurs and makes the bran unsuitable for food or feed. Microwave heating offers saving in time, energy, and has a little effect on the nutritional value but if it use to stabilize rice bran, may affect on rice bran functionality. The aim of this research was to find out the alteration of nutritional composition of the stabilized rice bran with microwave heating and vacuum packaging stored for 12 weeks at ambient temperature. Completely Randomized Design with Honestly Significant Different at five percent significant level were applied to combine of microwave heating (with and without microwave), packaging (with and without vacuum) and the length of storage for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 weeks at ambient temperature. The proximate and crude fibers of bran were measured for nutritional composition, and free fatty acid content for deterioration indicator of bran. Data was performed with ANOVA and continued with HSD at five percent significant level. The interaction between microwave heating, packaging and the length of storage had no effect on total carbohydrate, ash and lipid content of the bran in contrast to the moisture and protein content. The longer the storage time indicate that the higher the moisture content but the lower of the protein content. Microwave heating had significant effect on minimizing the increase of free fatty acid of the bran during storage and reducing crude fiber significantly.

Keywords : microwave, packaging, rice bran, storage.

Deterioration of the crude oil in rice bran by lipase was very fast and, to a smaller extent, oxidase occurs and makes the bran unsuitable for food or feed. Microwave heating offers saving in time, energy, and has a little effect on the nutritional value but if it use to stabilize rice bran, may affect on rice bran functionality. The aim of this research was to find out the alteration of nutritional composition of the stabilized rice bran with microwave heating and vacuum packaging stored for 12 weeks at ambient temperature. Completely Randomized Design with Honestly Significant Different at five percent significant level were applied to combine of microwave heating (with and without microwave), packaging (with and without vacuum) and the length of storage for 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 weeks at ambient temperature. The proximate and crude fibers of bran were measured for nutritional composition, and free fatty acid content for deterioration indicator of bran. Data was performed with ANOVA and continued with HSD at five percent significant level. The interaction between microwave heating, packaging and the length of storage had no effect on total carbohydrate, ash and lipid content of the bran in contrast to the moisture and protein content. The longer the storage time indicate that the higher the moisture content but the lower of the protein content. Microwave heating had significant effect on minimizing the increase of free fatty acid of the bran during storage and reducing crude fiber significantly.

Keywords : microwave, packaging, rice bran, storage.

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