The Design System Modeling of Socolatte Supply Chain Management in Pidie Jaya Regency

Authors : M. Danil Furqansyah; Suyanti Kasimin; Lukman Hakim

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.13121113

Abstract : This study aims to design a Socolatte supply chain management system in Pidie Jaya to increase the capacity and profits for local cocoa farmers and the Socolatte company. The method used in this research was system dynamics by designing causal loop diagrams. CLD is a systems thinking-based modeling approach that uses feedback and delays to understand the dynamics of behavior that occurs in the Socolatte industrial supply chain. This research produces a supply chain management system design model that is able to follow any changes in market demand. The buyer sector is the driving force for other sectors. Every change in terms of orders and specifications in the form of demands for quality, quantity, delivery time, price and etc. must be responded to by all business actors involved in the supply chain network of the cocoa processing industry. Likewise, the adoption of the supply chain management system design model through causal loop diagrams can increase profits for the company and its partners.

Keywords : Supply Chain Management, Causal Loop Diagram, Increase Profits

This study aims to design a Socolatte supply chain management system in Pidie Jaya to increase the capacity and profits for local cocoa farmers and the Socolatte company. The method used in this research was system dynamics by designing causal loop diagrams. CLD is a systems thinking-based modeling approach that uses feedback and delays to understand the dynamics of behavior that occurs in the Socolatte industrial supply chain. This research produces a supply chain management system design model that is able to follow any changes in market demand. The buyer sector is the driving force for other sectors. Every change in terms of orders and specifications in the form of demands for quality, quantity, delivery time, price and etc. must be responded to by all business actors involved in the supply chain network of the cocoa processing industry. Likewise, the adoption of the supply chain management system design model through causal loop diagrams can increase profits for the company and its partners.

Keywords : Supply Chain Management, Causal Loop Diagram, Increase Profits

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