Authors :
Oril Ardianto
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
COVID-19 is a pandemic in Indonesia and has
spread to almost all countries, so it has been called a global
pandemic. This pandemic outbreak has a negative impact
on physical and psychological health, causing
uncontrollable anxiety in individuals or society. Covid-19
significantly affects the self-concept of every teenager, and
psychological changes are marked by changing attitudes,
feelings, and emotions. Efforts to deal with Covid-19 are
not only focused on physical health but also psychological
and social. One of them is by giving five-finger hypnosis
therapy. This research method uses a pre-experimental
research design in one group (One group Pre-Test Post-Test
Design), where a pre-test is carried out on the respondents
before being given post-test treatment. The research
location was conducted at Universitas Adiwangsa Jambi in
2021. The research sample was 30 samples, with primary
data collection by distributing the Hamilton Branches
Scale for Anxiety questionnaire (HRS-A). Analysis used
Keywords :
Covid-19; Five Finger Hypnosis; Anxiety Level; Teenagers.
COVID-19 is a pandemic in Indonesia and has
spread to almost all countries, so it has been called a global
pandemic. This pandemic outbreak has a negative impact
on physical and psychological health, causing
uncontrollable anxiety in individuals or society. Covid-19
significantly affects the self-concept of every teenager, and
psychological changes are marked by changing attitudes,
feelings, and emotions. Efforts to deal with Covid-19 are
not only focused on physical health but also psychological
and social. One of them is by giving five-finger hypnosis
therapy. This research method uses a pre-experimental
research design in one group (One group Pre-Test Post-Test
Design), where a pre-test is carried out on the respondents
before being given post-test treatment. The research
location was conducted at Universitas Adiwangsa Jambi in
2021. The research sample was 30 samples, with primary
data collection by distributing the Hamilton Branches
Scale for Anxiety questionnaire (HRS-A). Analysis used
Keywords :
Covid-19; Five Finger Hypnosis; Anxiety Level; Teenagers.