The Effect of Land Use Changes on Water Availability as Water Resources Conservation Effort in Brantas Hulu Watershed

Authors : Achmad Syarifuddin; Laksni Sedyowati; M., dan Suriptono

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : The research focuses on the effect of land use changes on water availability as an effort to conserve water resources in the Upper Brantas watershed. The purpose to be achieved by the author include analyzing the condition of land use changes to the forest area, analyzing the availability (discharge) of water, and how to conserve land in the Upper Branras watershed with a social and community approach, so as to added the economic value. While the limitations in this study are limited to the scope of the upstream Brantas watershed up to the Sengguruh Dam, which has a sub-watershed system including the Sumber Brantas Sub-watershed, Bango Sub-watershed, Amprong Sub-watershed, and Upper Brantas Sub-watershed. The analytical method is the mainstay discharge calculation using the Mock method while land use changes are processed with the help of ArcGIS software. From the results of this study it was found that there was a change in land use from 2017 to 2019 where secondary dry land forest decreased by 1,357.27 ha, while industrial plantation forests decreased by 465.79 ha, a significant addition occurred in the use of paddy fields, namely area of 4,319.19 ha. From the results of the hydrological analysis, it was found that the availability of water (effective discharge) had a downward trend where in 2017 it was 9.92 m3/s while in 2019 it was 6.70 m3/s. From this it can be concluded that changes in land use in 2017-2019 have an impact on the response of the upstream Brantas watershed which can be seen in the decrease in effective discharge in the same year. Therefore, this needs to be a special concern for the government and stakeholders in the Upper Brantas watershed area to take conservation actions so that they can maintain and even improve the quality of the area. In carrying out the conservation of the Brantas watershed area, it is necessary to increase the awareness of the surrounding community to participate in maintaining the quality of the environment in this area, where by implementing the concept of environmental conservation programs that can improve the community's economy either through the agricultural or plantation sectors as well as from other sectors. Where the program with the concept of the community for the Upper Brantas watershed is expected to be able to create good and sustainable environmental conservation.

Keywords : Land Use; Water Availability; Community Conservation; Das Brantas Hulu.

The research focuses on the effect of land use changes on water availability as an effort to conserve water resources in the Upper Brantas watershed. The purpose to be achieved by the author include analyzing the condition of land use changes to the forest area, analyzing the availability (discharge) of water, and how to conserve land in the Upper Branras watershed with a social and community approach, so as to added the economic value. While the limitations in this study are limited to the scope of the upstream Brantas watershed up to the Sengguruh Dam, which has a sub-watershed system including the Sumber Brantas Sub-watershed, Bango Sub-watershed, Amprong Sub-watershed, and Upper Brantas Sub-watershed. The analytical method is the mainstay discharge calculation using the Mock method while land use changes are processed with the help of ArcGIS software. From the results of this study it was found that there was a change in land use from 2017 to 2019 where secondary dry land forest decreased by 1,357.27 ha, while industrial plantation forests decreased by 465.79 ha, a significant addition occurred in the use of paddy fields, namely area of 4,319.19 ha. From the results of the hydrological analysis, it was found that the availability of water (effective discharge) had a downward trend where in 2017 it was 9.92 m3/s while in 2019 it was 6.70 m3/s. From this it can be concluded that changes in land use in 2017-2019 have an impact on the response of the upstream Brantas watershed which can be seen in the decrease in effective discharge in the same year. Therefore, this needs to be a special concern for the government and stakeholders in the Upper Brantas watershed area to take conservation actions so that they can maintain and even improve the quality of the area. In carrying out the conservation of the Brantas watershed area, it is necessary to increase the awareness of the surrounding community to participate in maintaining the quality of the environment in this area, where by implementing the concept of environmental conservation programs that can improve the community's economy either through the agricultural or plantation sectors as well as from other sectors. Where the program with the concept of the community for the Upper Brantas watershed is expected to be able to create good and sustainable environmental conservation.

Keywords : Land Use; Water Availability; Community Conservation; Das Brantas Hulu.

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