The Effect of Position Transfers and Awards on Employee Performance with Motivation as an Intervening Variable at PT. Jasa Raharja Surabaya Branch

Authors : Indra Widiyawanto; Sri Muljaningsih

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : In this study, a work motivation variable will be added as an intervening variable in testing the effect of job transfers and awards given to employees, motivation of course requires employees who have good performance who work effectively and efficiently. This study aims: To analyze the effect of job transfers directly on the performance of employees at PT. Jasa Raharja Surabaya Branch. This study uses a survey method with a questionnaire as the primary data collector. The population is all employees, totaling 61 employees of PT. Jasa Raharja Surabaya, as for the method using the Proportional Stratified Rabdom Sampling technique, this technique is used because the population is not homogeneous determined by the Taro Yaname formula and the Slovin formula. so that a sample of 61 respondents will be obtained. The data analysis technique used is partial least square (PLS). The results of the study concluded that; job mutations have a non-significant effect on employee performance; awards have been proven to have a significant positive effect on employee performance; job mutations have a non-significant effect on employee performance through motivation; rewards have a significant positive effect on employee performance through motivation.

Keywords : Position Transfer; Award; Work Motivation and Employee Performance

In this study, a work motivation variable will be added as an intervening variable in testing the effect of job transfers and awards given to employees, motivation of course requires employees who have good performance who work effectively and efficiently. This study aims: To analyze the effect of job transfers directly on the performance of employees at PT. Jasa Raharja Surabaya Branch. This study uses a survey method with a questionnaire as the primary data collector. The population is all employees, totaling 61 employees of PT. Jasa Raharja Surabaya, as for the method using the Proportional Stratified Rabdom Sampling technique, this technique is used because the population is not homogeneous determined by the Taro Yaname formula and the Slovin formula. so that a sample of 61 respondents will be obtained. The data analysis technique used is partial least square (PLS). The results of the study concluded that; job mutations have a non-significant effect on employee performance; awards have been proven to have a significant positive effect on employee performance; job mutations have a non-significant effect on employee performance through motivation; rewards have a significant positive effect on employee performance through motivation.

Keywords : Position Transfer; Award; Work Motivation and Employee Performance

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