The Effect of Price Perception and Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, and its Impact to Customer Loyalty Telkomsel Prepaid Mobile Internet in Bogor, Indonesia

Authors : Martua Andreas Simanjuntak; Dendi Anggi Gumilang

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : Indonesians aged 16 to 64 spend an average of 5.7 hours per day using a mobile cellular device to access the internet. This research aims toinvestigate the effect of price perception and service quality on customer satisfaction and its impact to customer loyalty Telkomsel prepaid mobile internet usersin Bogor, Indonesia. Data were collected using a quantitative descriptive research methodology. The data analysis technique used was Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS). This study's demographic consists of users in the Bogor area who access the internet using Telkomsel prepaid mobile cellular device cards. The sampling method used was purposive sampling, with a sample size of 119 respondents. The study's findings support all hypotheses, indicating that price perception, service quality, and customer satisfaction have a positive and significant impact oncustomer loyalty. Furthermore, customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between price perception, service quality, and customer loyalty towards Telkomsel.

Keywords : Price Perception; Service Quality; Customer Satisfaction ; Customer Loyalty

Indonesians aged 16 to 64 spend an average of 5.7 hours per day using a mobile cellular device to access the internet. This research aims toinvestigate the effect of price perception and service quality on customer satisfaction and its impact to customer loyalty Telkomsel prepaid mobile internet usersin Bogor, Indonesia. Data were collected using a quantitative descriptive research methodology. The data analysis technique used was Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS). This study's demographic consists of users in the Bogor area who access the internet using Telkomsel prepaid mobile cellular device cards. The sampling method used was purposive sampling, with a sample size of 119 respondents. The study's findings support all hypotheses, indicating that price perception, service quality, and customer satisfaction have a positive and significant impact oncustomer loyalty. Furthermore, customer satisfaction mediates the relationship between price perception, service quality, and customer loyalty towards Telkomsel.

Keywords : Price Perception; Service Quality; Customer Satisfaction ; Customer Loyalty

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