The Effectiveness of Health Service at the Social Security Office of the Governing Body (BPJS). in Indonesia

Authors : Muh. Irwan Nur.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 6 - June

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Abstract : Types of qualitative research approach through Phenomenology, as results showed that the Ministry of health coverage has yet to be implemented, the number of optimal complaints caused latest healthcare at home ill give an indication that a health security card yet bersinergis optimally with the management of the hospital, it is compounded by the availability of resources as well as support of man means and infrastructure that is still minimal, required the cooperation and attention from all parties of good government, private, stake holder, the world of education, relevant agencies to support each other and together contribute in supporting the Ministry of health.

Keywords : Health, Ministry, Effectiveness, Cooperation, Attention To.

Types of qualitative research approach through Phenomenology, as results showed that the Ministry of health coverage has yet to be implemented, the number of optimal complaints caused latest healthcare at home ill give an indication that a health security card yet bersinergis optimally with the management of the hospital, it is compounded by the availability of resources as well as support of man means and infrastructure that is still minimal, required the cooperation and attention from all parties of good government, private, stake holder, the world of education, relevant agencies to support each other and together contribute in supporting the Ministry of health.

Keywords : Health, Ministry, Effectiveness, Cooperation, Attention To.

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