The Effectiveness of Metacognition Strategy Instruments for Writing in French at Level A2 with Blended Learning

Authors : Dwi Astuti; Subyantoro; Ida Zulaeha; Astini Su’udi; Sri Handayani

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : This study implements a metacognitive strategy instrument for writing in French at A2 level with blended learning. This study examines: (1) the effectiveness of the application of the metacognition strategy instrument in learning to write French at A2 level with blended learning; (2) significant differences in learning achievement between synchronous and asynchronous learning in the experimental class; and (3) significant differences in learning achievement between synchronous and asynchronous learning in the control class. The research design used was Pre-Experimental Intact-Group Comparison. This is population research. The respondents were second-semester students of the French Language Education at the State University of Semarang. The study used two classes: control, and experiment. The data was obtained through a writing test. The collected data were analyzed using N-Gain Score and Anova. The results of the analysis show that: (1) learning to write by applying an effective metacognitive strategy instrument; (2) In the experimental class there is no difference in learning outcomes in synchronous and asynchronous learning; (3) In the control class there are differences in learning outcomes in synchronous and asynchronous learning.

Keywords : Metacognition Strategy Instrument, Writing Level A2, Blended Learning, Synchronous, Asynchronous.

This study implements a metacognitive strategy instrument for writing in French at A2 level with blended learning. This study examines: (1) the effectiveness of the application of the metacognition strategy instrument in learning to write French at A2 level with blended learning; (2) significant differences in learning achievement between synchronous and asynchronous learning in the experimental class; and (3) significant differences in learning achievement between synchronous and asynchronous learning in the control class. The research design used was Pre-Experimental Intact-Group Comparison. This is population research. The respondents were second-semester students of the French Language Education at the State University of Semarang. The study used two classes: control, and experiment. The data was obtained through a writing test. The collected data were analyzed using N-Gain Score and Anova. The results of the analysis show that: (1) learning to write by applying an effective metacognitive strategy instrument; (2) In the experimental class there is no difference in learning outcomes in synchronous and asynchronous learning; (3) In the control class there are differences in learning outcomes in synchronous and asynchronous learning.

Keywords : Metacognition Strategy Instrument, Writing Level A2, Blended Learning, Synchronous, Asynchronous.

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