Authors :
Anggun Maharani; Singmin Johanes Lo
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August
Scribd :
Abstract :
- Employee performance has a crucial role in
achieving company goals. Therefore, employee
performance at needs to be analyzed to know whether
existing employees have given their maximum
performance in doing their work or not. This research
aims to analyze the performance of employees at XYZ
Inc. and provide recommendations for future company
development. This research was conducted on 70
permanent employees at XYZ Inc. as the respondents by
using purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed
by multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS
version 25.0 for Windows. The results of this research
showed that Leadership Behavior, Competency, and
Reward Management all had positive and significant
effects on Employee Performance
Keywords :
Leadership Behavior, Competency, Reward Management, Employee Performance.
- Employee performance has a crucial role in
achieving company goals. Therefore, employee
performance at needs to be analyzed to know whether
existing employees have given their maximum
performance in doing their work or not. This research
aims to analyze the performance of employees at XYZ
Inc. and provide recommendations for future company
development. This research was conducted on 70
permanent employees at XYZ Inc. as the respondents by
using purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed
by multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS
version 25.0 for Windows. The results of this research
showed that Leadership Behavior, Competency, and
Reward Management all had positive and significant
effects on Employee Performance
Keywords :
Leadership Behavior, Competency, Reward Management, Employee Performance.