The Hydrogeochemical Properties of an Abandoned Mining Location - A Case Study of Odagbo Coal Mine

Authors : T.M. Oluyemi; A.C. Tse; H.O. Nwankwoala

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 10 - October

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Abstract : A significant contributor to water contamination is acid mine drainage (AMD). In this study, the chemical composition of water samples in the coal mines at Odagbo, was assessed to determine the chemistry of the mine waters and potential for acid mine drainage (AMD). The water samples were all subjected to thorough geochemical investigation. The findings showed that all water samples taken in the mining area had relatively low PH values (range from 3.24 to 3.84) in aqueous solutions which shows high acidity value ranging from 150 to 1730 typical of AMD, with rising levels of TDS and SO4 2- . Electrical conductivity (EC) measurements showed a moderately significant range of 123.0 to 170.3 μS cm−1 . It was evident that the water samples were SO4 2- enriched, with values ranging from 249.50 to 1703.04 mgL-1 which indicates pollution of mine waters. Elevated Ca2+, Mg2+, and Fe were another characteristic of the AMD samples. As a result, the current case study will provide an updated scientific foundation for the detection of heavy metal contamination's source as well as suggest critical lines of inquiry for future research.

Keywords : Hydrogeochemical, AMD, EC, Pollution.

A significant contributor to water contamination is acid mine drainage (AMD). In this study, the chemical composition of water samples in the coal mines at Odagbo, was assessed to determine the chemistry of the mine waters and potential for acid mine drainage (AMD). The water samples were all subjected to thorough geochemical investigation. The findings showed that all water samples taken in the mining area had relatively low PH values (range from 3.24 to 3.84) in aqueous solutions which shows high acidity value ranging from 150 to 1730 typical of AMD, with rising levels of TDS and SO4 2- . Electrical conductivity (EC) measurements showed a moderately significant range of 123.0 to 170.3 μS cm−1 . It was evident that the water samples were SO4 2- enriched, with values ranging from 249.50 to 1703.04 mgL-1 which indicates pollution of mine waters. Elevated Ca2+, Mg2+, and Fe were another characteristic of the AMD samples. As a result, the current case study will provide an updated scientific foundation for the detection of heavy metal contamination's source as well as suggest critical lines of inquiry for future research.

Keywords : Hydrogeochemical, AMD, EC, Pollution.

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