The Impact of Education and Training and Career Development on the Performance of Bank Syariah Indonesia Employes

Authors : Rifa’atul Maftuhah

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : Education and training is one form of program that can be carried out by a company to improve employee knowledge and skills. According to Mursidi (2009:121) education and training can provide guidance for employees in behaving and acting so that problems at work are resolved appropriately. According to Prajitiasari (2012:1) education and training also provide an increase in employee work productivity. Employee performance is the synergy result of the organization's internal and external environmental factors, as well as employee internal factors (Wirawan, 2009). Employee performance is a form of employee confidence in their behavior and contribution to organizational achievement Ahmad & Shahzad, 2011). Performance is also defined as the result of a certain work process at a planned time and place (Mangkuprawira & Hubeis, 2007). Dessler (2010) states that performance appraisals are conducted by setting performance standards, implementing performance appraisals, and providing feedback. Education and training have an effect on the performance of Bank Syariah Indonesia employees” answered from the results of the t-count value of 4.783 with a significance level of more than 5%, namely 0.000 in the education and training variables. career development has an effect on the performance of Bank Syariah Indonesia employees” answered from the results of the t-count value of 4.287 with a significance level of more than 5%, namely 0.021 in the career development variable. Education and training as well as career development have an effect on the performance of Indonesian Sharia Bank Employees” answered from the results of the t-count value of 18,750 with a significance level of more than 5%, namely 0.00.

Keywords : Education and training, career development, employee performance.

Education and training is one form of program that can be carried out by a company to improve employee knowledge and skills. According to Mursidi (2009:121) education and training can provide guidance for employees in behaving and acting so that problems at work are resolved appropriately. According to Prajitiasari (2012:1) education and training also provide an increase in employee work productivity. Employee performance is the synergy result of the organization's internal and external environmental factors, as well as employee internal factors (Wirawan, 2009). Employee performance is a form of employee confidence in their behavior and contribution to organizational achievement Ahmad & Shahzad, 2011). Performance is also defined as the result of a certain work process at a planned time and place (Mangkuprawira & Hubeis, 2007). Dessler (2010) states that performance appraisals are conducted by setting performance standards, implementing performance appraisals, and providing feedback. Education and training have an effect on the performance of Bank Syariah Indonesia employees” answered from the results of the t-count value of 4.783 with a significance level of more than 5%, namely 0.000 in the education and training variables. career development has an effect on the performance of Bank Syariah Indonesia employees” answered from the results of the t-count value of 4.287 with a significance level of more than 5%, namely 0.021 in the career development variable. Education and training as well as career development have an effect on the performance of Indonesian Sharia Bank Employees” answered from the results of the t-count value of 18,750 with a significance level of more than 5%, namely 0.00.

Keywords : Education and training, career development, employee performance.

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