Authors :
Tiara Marta Yanti; Basuki
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
This study aims to analyze the influence of price,
facilities, and experience on the sustainable loyalty of
AirAsia airline passengers, with satisfaction as the
mediating variable. Airlines, especially low-cost ones, play
an important role in the air transportation industry in
Indonesia, which has a vast archipelago and high mobility
needs. The research method used is quantitative using
Jamovi software. The sample used was 106 respondents,
collected through an online questionnaire in December
2024. The results of this study show that passenger
satisfaction functions as a significant mediator in the
relationship between price, facilities, and experience to
passenger loyalty. These findings emphasize the importance
of creating a positive experience for passengers to increase
their satisfaction and loyalty to the airline.
Keywords :
Price, Facilities, Experience, Satisfaction, Loyalty, Mediation Variables.
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This study aims to analyze the influence of price,
facilities, and experience on the sustainable loyalty of
AirAsia airline passengers, with satisfaction as the
mediating variable. Airlines, especially low-cost ones, play
an important role in the air transportation industry in
Indonesia, which has a vast archipelago and high mobility
needs. The research method used is quantitative using
Jamovi software. The sample used was 106 respondents,
collected through an online questionnaire in December
2024. The results of this study show that passenger
satisfaction functions as a significant mediator in the
relationship between price, facilities, and experience to
passenger loyalty. These findings emphasize the importance
of creating a positive experience for passengers to increase
their satisfaction and loyalty to the airline.
Keywords :
Price, Facilities, Experience, Satisfaction, Loyalty, Mediation Variables.