The Impact of Socıal Medıa Advertısıng on Consumers Buyıng Decısıon: A Case Study on Unıversıty Students

Authors : Mhd Anas Al Kabbane

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG461

Abstract : This study aimed to identify the impact of social media advertising on making a buying decision Internet of university students. In these days, social media is one of the strongest approaches to promote, sell or buy products or services. It is preferred by all businesses regardless of the size and capability of the companies to reach out millions of protentional customers over the world. People are browsing the internet and social media daily on the public transportation and during their leisure time. Thug, This is a great opportunity to create business possibilities due to the potential of this market which has been continuously growing in the past decade. Therefore, this research focuses on finding out the key factors of social media that affect the purchase behaviour of university. For this reason, it is cantered on the elements of the extent of satisfaction, the spent time on social media, the strength of social media compared to mass media, and reviews are written by customers who have bought. Based on these factors, four hypotheses of the study were developed as a part of the research model. The conducted method was quantitative research, and data was collected from Istanbul university students. Data was analysed with SPSS.

Keywords : Social media, Platforms, purchase behavior, mass media, student’ attitude, reviews, advertisement.

This study aimed to identify the impact of social media advertising on making a buying decision Internet of university students. In these days, social media is one of the strongest approaches to promote, sell or buy products or services. It is preferred by all businesses regardless of the size and capability of the companies to reach out millions of protentional customers over the world. People are browsing the internet and social media daily on the public transportation and during their leisure time. Thug, This is a great opportunity to create business possibilities due to the potential of this market which has been continuously growing in the past decade. Therefore, this research focuses on finding out the key factors of social media that affect the purchase behaviour of university. For this reason, it is cantered on the elements of the extent of satisfaction, the spent time on social media, the strength of social media compared to mass media, and reviews are written by customers who have bought. Based on these factors, four hypotheses of the study were developed as a part of the research model. The conducted method was quantitative research, and data was collected from Istanbul university students. Data was analysed with SPSS.

Keywords : Social media, Platforms, purchase behavior, mass media, student’ attitude, reviews, advertisement.

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