The Impact of Solar Distributed Generation on Distribution Networks: Case Study of Chipata Distribution Network

Authors : Michael Kambimbi; Dr. Luka Ngoyi; Dr. Ackim Zulu

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : The installation of solar PV systems in distribution networks is slowly increasing. The study focused on identifying the challenges and benefits of installing Distributed Solar Generation in the Chipata 33kV and 11kV distribution Networks. Chipata Town is in the Eastern Part of Zambia, and it has a peak demand of about 23.3MW. The 2023 version Power Factory Dig Silent Software was used to model the Chipata 33kV and 11kV distribution network and different Solar penetration levels were used to understand the impact of Distributed Solar. Chipata Distribution Network has four major stations operating at 33kV and 11kV voltages and four main distribution lines. The main objective of the study was to determine the impact of distributed solar PV in the Chipata Distribution Network. One of the specific objectives was to determine the hosting capacity of the Chipata Distribution Network. The hosting capacity gives the maximum amount of PV power integrated in a power system network without violating the set operation limits. The study analysed the impact of solar Distributed Generation on network losses, fault levels, voltage stability and line loading. The study revealed that an increase in penetration level resulted in a general increase in the Bus Bar voltages on both 11kV and 33kV voltage levels. Different Penetration levels of solar ranging from 6.66MW to 132MW were studied. Simulations revealed that the hosting capacity for Chipata Distribution Network is 96MW (412% of Solar PV Penetration Level). The voltages in the distribution network at hosting capacity were ranged from 0.93p.u to 1.02p.u. Short Circuit analysis simulations showed negligible impact on the fault level after integration of solar in the distribution network. Some circuits showed both increased and reduced power losses with increased solar penetration. The obtained results indicated that increased installation of distributed Solar PV systems in the Distribution Network impacts voltage stability, line losses and line loading.

Keywords : Photo Voltaic, Distributed Generation, Hosting Capacity, Solar Penetration.

The installation of solar PV systems in distribution networks is slowly increasing. The study focused on identifying the challenges and benefits of installing Distributed Solar Generation in the Chipata 33kV and 11kV distribution Networks. Chipata Town is in the Eastern Part of Zambia, and it has a peak demand of about 23.3MW. The 2023 version Power Factory Dig Silent Software was used to model the Chipata 33kV and 11kV distribution network and different Solar penetration levels were used to understand the impact of Distributed Solar. Chipata Distribution Network has four major stations operating at 33kV and 11kV voltages and four main distribution lines. The main objective of the study was to determine the impact of distributed solar PV in the Chipata Distribution Network. One of the specific objectives was to determine the hosting capacity of the Chipata Distribution Network. The hosting capacity gives the maximum amount of PV power integrated in a power system network without violating the set operation limits. The study analysed the impact of solar Distributed Generation on network losses, fault levels, voltage stability and line loading. The study revealed that an increase in penetration level resulted in a general increase in the Bus Bar voltages on both 11kV and 33kV voltage levels. Different Penetration levels of solar ranging from 6.66MW to 132MW were studied. Simulations revealed that the hosting capacity for Chipata Distribution Network is 96MW (412% of Solar PV Penetration Level). The voltages in the distribution network at hosting capacity were ranged from 0.93p.u to 1.02p.u. Short Circuit analysis simulations showed negligible impact on the fault level after integration of solar in the distribution network. Some circuits showed both increased and reduced power losses with increased solar penetration. The obtained results indicated that increased installation of distributed Solar PV systems in the Distribution Network impacts voltage stability, line losses and line loading.

Keywords : Photo Voltaic, Distributed Generation, Hosting Capacity, Solar Penetration.

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