Authors :
Sartini Risky; Rahman
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
Background: Based on the Central Statistics
Agency for Southeast Sulawesi, the percentage of women
aged 10-54 years who have ever been pregnant by
district/city and age at first pregnancy, South Konawe
shows 15% of pregnant women aged less than 16 years.
There are several problems related to reproductive health
irregularities, namely early pregnancy and marriage,
unwanted pregnancies and the transmission of sexual
diseases. Based on a preliminary survey at the junior high
school country 3 South Konawe, many teenagers do not
receive sufficient and correct information about sexuality
and reproductive health.
Objective: To find out the effect of promoting adolescent
reproductive health using the buzz group method on the
knowledge and attitudes of class VIII students at Junior
high school country 3 South Konawe District, Southeast
Sulawesi Province in 2023.
Method: The method used in this research uses Pre-
Experimental Design with a One Group Pretest-Posttest
Design approach. The number of samples in the study
was 42 respondents. The sampling technique uses
Purposive Sampling technique. The analysis method uses
the Wilcoxon test which is carried out using the SPSS
Results: The results of the study showed that students'
knowledge and attitudes before and after reproductive
health promotion using the buzz group method increased.
This can be seen from the statistical test value of
knowledge and attitudes which obtained a p-value of
0.000 < 0.05. So H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, which
means that there is an influence of adolescent
reproductive health promotion using the buzz group
method on the knowledge and attitudes of class VIII
students at junior high school country 3 South Konawe
Conclusion: There is an influence before and after
promoting adolescent reproductive health using the Buzz
Group method on the knowledge and attitudes of Class
VIII students at junior high school 3 South Konawe
District. Therefore, schools need to provide health
education by providing counseling on adolescent
reproductive health carried out by school health teachers
or in collaboration with community health centers and
health services. Collaboration between schools and health
workers to form reproductive health peer educators at
the school level.
Keywords :
Keywords: Health Promotion, Reproductive Health, Knowledge, Attitude, Buzz Group.
Background: Based on the Central Statistics
Agency for Southeast Sulawesi, the percentage of women
aged 10-54 years who have ever been pregnant by
district/city and age at first pregnancy, South Konawe
shows 15% of pregnant women aged less than 16 years.
There are several problems related to reproductive health
irregularities, namely early pregnancy and marriage,
unwanted pregnancies and the transmission of sexual
diseases. Based on a preliminary survey at the junior high
school country 3 South Konawe, many teenagers do not
receive sufficient and correct information about sexuality
and reproductive health.
Objective: To find out the effect of promoting adolescent
reproductive health using the buzz group method on the
knowledge and attitudes of class VIII students at Junior
high school country 3 South Konawe District, Southeast
Sulawesi Province in 2023.
Method: The method used in this research uses Pre-
Experimental Design with a One Group Pretest-Posttest
Design approach. The number of samples in the study
was 42 respondents. The sampling technique uses
Purposive Sampling technique. The analysis method uses
the Wilcoxon test which is carried out using the SPSS
Results: The results of the study showed that students'
knowledge and attitudes before and after reproductive
health promotion using the buzz group method increased.
This can be seen from the statistical test value of
knowledge and attitudes which obtained a p-value of
0.000 < 0.05. So H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted, which
means that there is an influence of adolescent
reproductive health promotion using the buzz group
method on the knowledge and attitudes of class VIII
students at junior high school country 3 South Konawe
Conclusion: There is an influence before and after
promoting adolescent reproductive health using the Buzz
Group method on the knowledge and attitudes of Class
VIII students at junior high school 3 South Konawe
District. Therefore, schools need to provide health
education by providing counseling on adolescent
reproductive health carried out by school health teachers
or in collaboration with community health centers and
health services. Collaboration between schools and health
workers to form reproductive health peer educators at
the school level.
Keywords :
Keywords: Health Promotion, Reproductive Health, Knowledge, Attitude, Buzz Group.