The Influence of the Family Empowerment Management of Family Ability to be Drugs Swallowing Controller (PMO) and Risk of Occurrence of Lost to Follow-

Authors : Refi Saputra, Yulastri Arif, Sri Yulia.

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October

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Abstract : The case of person lost to follow-up increase every year. This is because the lack of family involvement as a drugs swallowing controller (PMO) in the family empowerment management process. The purpose of the research was to determine the influence of the family empowerment management on the ability of the family to become drugs swallowing controller (PMO) and the number of lost to follow-up. Research design of experimental pre and posttest quasi was used in this research. Method of data collection was total sampling with sample from program manager and cadre 20 peoples and family of 40 peoples. The results showed that there was a significant difference between knowledge and attitude before and after training of family empowerment management in program managers and pulmonary TB cadres. While the competence, there was no significant difference between before and after training. For families as PMO, there is a significant difference between knowledge, attitudes and competence as well as the risk of occurrence of lost to follow-up before and after counseling of family empowerment management as PMO. This research recommended that the health care unit can conduct training and refreshing cadre about the duty of a PMO regularly in its annual work plan and conduct periodic evaluation related to cadre ability and family involvement in the treatment process of pulmonary tuberculosis patients.

Keywords : Empowerment Management, Family as Drug Swallowing Controller.

The case of person lost to follow-up increase every year. This is because the lack of family involvement as a drugs swallowing controller (PMO) in the family empowerment management process. The purpose of the research was to determine the influence of the family empowerment management on the ability of the family to become drugs swallowing controller (PMO) and the number of lost to follow-up. Research design of experimental pre and posttest quasi was used in this research. Method of data collection was total sampling with sample from program manager and cadre 20 peoples and family of 40 peoples. The results showed that there was a significant difference between knowledge and attitude before and after training of family empowerment management in program managers and pulmonary TB cadres. While the competence, there was no significant difference between before and after training. For families as PMO, there is a significant difference between knowledge, attitudes and competence as well as the risk of occurrence of lost to follow-up before and after counseling of family empowerment management as PMO. This research recommended that the health care unit can conduct training and refreshing cadre about the duty of a PMO regularly in its annual work plan and conduct periodic evaluation related to cadre ability and family involvement in the treatment process of pulmonary tuberculosis patients.

Keywords : Empowerment Management, Family as Drug Swallowing Controller.

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