The Numeracy Level of Grade 5 Non-Numerates through T-Math Module

Authors : Romulo M. Del Mundo Jr

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : Purpose: This study aimed to determine the learners’ numeracy skills before and after using the T- Math Module to 5th Grade Non-Numerates of Bula Elementary School. Design/Methodology/Approach: The researchers utilized experimental design, one group pre-test and post-test design to determine the effect of T-Math Module to the pupils. Division Numeracy Test was conducted to identify the pre- test and post-test results. To treat the data statistically, weighted mean and paired t- test was used. Findings: The mean scores were 10.8 in the pre-test and 16.2 in the post test. The increase of 5.4 vindicated that there was an improvement in pupils’ numeracy skills. Also, the computed t-value (3.8929) was compared to the p-value (0.0002), there was a significant difference in the performance of the selected Fifth Graders. Research Limitations/Implications: The study was limited on fifth graders’ numeracy level upon exposure to T-Math Module. It zoomed-in the skills of the pupils in areas of four fundamental operations. It implies that the pupils show mastery in performing the four-fundamental operations in mathematics upon exposure to T- MATH Module. Originality/Value: Through the use of T-Math Module a significant increase in the pupil’s numeracy skill was displayed. As a result, T-Math Module was highly recommended.

Keywords : Four Fundamental Operations Skill, T- Math Module, Numerates, Non-Numerates

Purpose: This study aimed to determine the learners’ numeracy skills before and after using the T- Math Module to 5th Grade Non-Numerates of Bula Elementary School. Design/Methodology/Approach: The researchers utilized experimental design, one group pre-test and post-test design to determine the effect of T-Math Module to the pupils. Division Numeracy Test was conducted to identify the pre- test and post-test results. To treat the data statistically, weighted mean and paired t- test was used. Findings: The mean scores were 10.8 in the pre-test and 16.2 in the post test. The increase of 5.4 vindicated that there was an improvement in pupils’ numeracy skills. Also, the computed t-value (3.8929) was compared to the p-value (0.0002), there was a significant difference in the performance of the selected Fifth Graders. Research Limitations/Implications: The study was limited on fifth graders’ numeracy level upon exposure to T-Math Module. It zoomed-in the skills of the pupils in areas of four fundamental operations. It implies that the pupils show mastery in performing the four-fundamental operations in mathematics upon exposure to T- MATH Module. Originality/Value: Through the use of T-Math Module a significant increase in the pupil’s numeracy skill was displayed. As a result, T-Math Module was highly recommended.

Keywords : Four Fundamental Operations Skill, T- Math Module, Numerates, Non-Numerates

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