Authors :
Daryono; La Mudi; Rusmini; Riama Rita Manullang; Yuanita; Haryatie Sarie; F.Silvi Dwi Mentari; Rusli Anwar; Nur Hidayat; Jamaluddin; Zainal Abidin
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The physical and chemical properties of
compost are important in supporting agricultural
development. The physical and chemical properties of
compost are greatly influenced by the basic ingredients
for making compost. Apart from that, to produce quality
compost fertilizer, decomposer bacteria are needed. This
research aims to determine the role of decomposers in
accelerating fertilizer decomposition, and to determine
the physical and chemical content of compost fertilizer
from waste palm fronds and leaves with the addition of
cow dung fertilizer. This research was carried out from
May to July 2023, located in Kembang Janggut District,
Kutai Kertanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province.
The research was structured with 2 treatments, namely
P1 and P2. The variables observed include composting
time, physical properties of the compost (temperature,
color, smell, texture), and chemical properties of the
compost (total N, total P, total K, total C, C/N ratio). The
observation data was analyzed descriptively and
compared with the fertilizer quality standards of the
Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Agriculture number
261/Permentan/SR.310/4/2019. The results of the research
showed that the length of time for composting palm oil
leaf sheath and leaves waste in treatment P1 was faster,
namely 42 days, while in treatment P2 it was 45 days.
Physical data on compost fertilizer shows that the
temperature in treatment P1 on day 39 and in treatment
P2 on day 42 the temperature has begun to fall. and was
declared ripe, followed by a black color change and no
smell. The results of compost nutrient analysis in
treatment P1 were N total (0.042%), P total (0.069%), K
total (0.067), C-organic (29.176), C/N ratio (69.765%),
while in treatment P2 it was N total (1.202%), P total
(0.319%), K 0.096%, C-organic (28.314%), C/N ratio
(23.591%). These results indicate that the P1 and P2
treatments for observing organic C and the C/N ratio
have fulfilled the quality requirements for solid organic
fertilizers in the Ministry of Agriculture Regulation for
compost requirements number 261/MOA/SR.310/4/2019.
Keywords :
Decomposer Bacteria, Compost, Bio-Activators, Cow Manure, Fertilizer.
The physical and chemical properties of
compost are important in supporting agricultural
development. The physical and chemical properties of
compost are greatly influenced by the basic ingredients
for making compost. Apart from that, to produce quality
compost fertilizer, decomposer bacteria are needed. This
research aims to determine the role of decomposers in
accelerating fertilizer decomposition, and to determine
the physical and chemical content of compost fertilizer
from waste palm fronds and leaves with the addition of
cow dung fertilizer. This research was carried out from
May to July 2023, located in Kembang Janggut District,
Kutai Kertanegara Regency, East Kalimantan Province.
The research was structured with 2 treatments, namely
P1 and P2. The variables observed include composting
time, physical properties of the compost (temperature,
color, smell, texture), and chemical properties of the
compost (total N, total P, total K, total C, C/N ratio). The
observation data was analyzed descriptively and
compared with the fertilizer quality standards of the
Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Agriculture number
261/Permentan/SR.310/4/2019. The results of the research
showed that the length of time for composting palm oil
leaf sheath and leaves waste in treatment P1 was faster,
namely 42 days, while in treatment P2 it was 45 days.
Physical data on compost fertilizer shows that the
temperature in treatment P1 on day 39 and in treatment
P2 on day 42 the temperature has begun to fall. and was
declared ripe, followed by a black color change and no
smell. The results of compost nutrient analysis in
treatment P1 were N total (0.042%), P total (0.069%), K
total (0.067), C-organic (29.176), C/N ratio (69.765%),
while in treatment P2 it was N total (1.202%), P total
(0.319%), K 0.096%, C-organic (28.314%), C/N ratio
(23.591%). These results indicate that the P1 and P2
treatments for observing organic C and the C/N ratio
have fulfilled the quality requirements for solid organic
fertilizers in the Ministry of Agriculture Regulation for
compost requirements number 261/MOA/SR.310/4/2019.
Keywords :
Decomposer Bacteria, Compost, Bio-Activators, Cow Manure, Fertilizer.