Authors :
Ceria Thalia Sumanti; Sri Pare Eni; Posma Hutasoit
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Shopping centers & humans are two things
that influeance each other. Humans as the main object in a
shopping center are objects that cannot be limited and
cannot be measured, especially in terms of psychology. If
in the past shopping centers carried the concept of one
stop shopping with the Customer Centric theory which is
a strategy that places customers in the main position and
becomes the core of all organizational activities, shopping
centers began to change the theory used to Costumer
Centric Experience, namely the customer experience
when interacting with the shopping center. Psychophysics
are basic issues that focus on environmental stimuli to
human sensors that are closely related to the Costumer
Centric Experience as explained above, so that the
Psychophysical study will be raised as the basis for this
Keywords :
Shopping Mall, Psychophysics, Number of Visitors.
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Shopping centers & humans are two things
that influeance each other. Humans as the main object in a
shopping center are objects that cannot be limited and
cannot be measured, especially in terms of psychology. If
in the past shopping centers carried the concept of one
stop shopping with the Customer Centric theory which is
a strategy that places customers in the main position and
becomes the core of all organizational activities, shopping
centers began to change the theory used to Costumer
Centric Experience, namely the customer experience
when interacting with the shopping center. Psychophysics
are basic issues that focus on environmental stimuli to
human sensors that are closely related to the Costumer
Centric Experience as explained above, so that the
Psychophysical study will be raised as the basis for this
Keywords :
Shopping Mall, Psychophysics, Number of Visitors.