The Relationship between Diabetes Mellitus and Diabetic Nephropathy: A Review of Historical Findings and Current Perspectives

Authors : Edwin Vaca Hernández

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : The study aims to analyze the historical evolution and recent advances in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of diabetic nephropathy, from its identification in the 1930s to current innovations in personalized medicine and multidisciplinary strategies. Among the most relevant findings, microalbuminuria stands out as an early marker, along with the importance of intensive glycemic control and the development of therapies such as SGLT2 inhibitors, which have demonstrated significant renal and cardiovascular benefits. Additionally, the role of biomarkers and genomics in early disease detection and advances in kidney transplants that have improved patient survival and quality of life are emphasized. The study concludes that personalized strategies and comprehensive approaches represent fundamental progress in effectively preventing and treating this renal complication.

Keywords : "Diabetic Nephropathy," "Nodular Glomerulosclerosis," "Diabetes Mellitus," "Albuminuria," and "Reno-Protective Treatment.

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The study aims to analyze the historical evolution and recent advances in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of diabetic nephropathy, from its identification in the 1930s to current innovations in personalized medicine and multidisciplinary strategies. Among the most relevant findings, microalbuminuria stands out as an early marker, along with the importance of intensive glycemic control and the development of therapies such as SGLT2 inhibitors, which have demonstrated significant renal and cardiovascular benefits. Additionally, the role of biomarkers and genomics in early disease detection and advances in kidney transplants that have improved patient survival and quality of life are emphasized. The study concludes that personalized strategies and comprehensive approaches represent fundamental progress in effectively preventing and treating this renal complication.

Keywords : "Diabetic Nephropathy," "Nodular Glomerulosclerosis," "Diabetes Mellitus," "Albuminuria," and "Reno-Protective Treatment.

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