Authors :
Yulinda Ariyani, Dr. Ns. Meri Neherta, S.Kep, M.Biomed, Ns. Leni Merdawati, S.Kep, M. Kep.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 10 - October
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Abstract :
Patient advocacy is the intrinsic essence of professional nursing ethics. This ethical principle is very important in the relationship of patient nurses and respect for the rights of patients as human beings. The patient’s needs are key to advocacy in nursing. Therefore, nurses have a big role in encouraging and protecting the interests of patients. The aim of this research is to know the relationship of knowledge and duration of work with the nurse advocacy role. The study used cross sectional design. The sample consisted of 70 nurses. The result showed the good role of advocacy in 54.3%. The duration of work and knowledge related to nurse advocacy role (p value < 0,05). Hospitals need to maintain policies that support nurse advocacy roles.
Keywords :
Nursing advocacy.
Patient advocacy is the intrinsic essence of professional nursing ethics. This ethical principle is very important in the relationship of patient nurses and respect for the rights of patients as human beings. The patient’s needs are key to advocacy in nursing. Therefore, nurses have a big role in encouraging and protecting the interests of patients. The aim of this research is to know the relationship of knowledge and duration of work with the nurse advocacy role. The study used cross sectional design. The sample consisted of 70 nurses. The result showed the good role of advocacy in 54.3%. The duration of work and knowledge related to nurse advocacy role (p value < 0,05). Hospitals need to maintain policies that support nurse advocacy roles.
Keywords :
Nursing advocacy.