The Role of the Colonial Effigies in the Communal and Educational Space within the Diverse Historical Landscape: A Provocative Memorial Discourse

Authors : Eric Buhle Gumbi

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : :- The research paper sought to examine some perpetual causes of the current social unrests born from the historical erected colonial statues within the diverse socio-political landscape and its sensitive reminder bringing about a new climate change that defile the nuclear and cultural fundamentals of educative space and socio-political patterns. The eruption of emancipative engagements and participatory principles, as communal interactions, craft deeper strategies to defile toxic elements of colonial mentality and cultural deficiency syndrome. The research paper further lean towards probing the ability, within the restorative environment, that would enable people to examine the role of such colonial effigies and its part in the democratically controlled educative settings within social and radical diffusion. The aim is to look at its central stage in the construction of knowledge and memorial pattern that, apart from democratically emancipating, but also culturally transforms, and shape the distinctiveness of the society, helping people to reflect on their original identity through transformative engagements beyond colonial misrepresentations. The bewildering human behaviour is a testament manifesting that communities were scarcely untied from the colonial fetters, and masked so that they hardly preach the gospel of humanity to the broader society. Such a challenge created a provocative environment, since there is no longer applicable platform for the voice of the voiceless, which negatively affect human belonging and well-being. The community supporting structures within the diverse historical landscape is required to empower people towards functional reactions in stressing related needs, such as counselling services, welfare and discipline policies within a tolerated social atmosphere. Various governmental and non-governmental structures should provide conflict-resolution initiatives and mediation programmes and other related community approved human edifices in the forms of heritagemarked days, commemoration and celebration of cultural events which will not defile the memory of people and offensively remind them of human atrocities and inhuman patterns of the past embodied in statues that mete out the horrific history

Keywords : Transformative Engagements, Restorative Environment, Cultural Fundamentals, Participatory Principles, Communal Interactions, Colonial Mentality

:- The research paper sought to examine some perpetual causes of the current social unrests born from the historical erected colonial statues within the diverse socio-political landscape and its sensitive reminder bringing about a new climate change that defile the nuclear and cultural fundamentals of educative space and socio-political patterns. The eruption of emancipative engagements and participatory principles, as communal interactions, craft deeper strategies to defile toxic elements of colonial mentality and cultural deficiency syndrome. The research paper further lean towards probing the ability, within the restorative environment, that would enable people to examine the role of such colonial effigies and its part in the democratically controlled educative settings within social and radical diffusion. The aim is to look at its central stage in the construction of knowledge and memorial pattern that, apart from democratically emancipating, but also culturally transforms, and shape the distinctiveness of the society, helping people to reflect on their original identity through transformative engagements beyond colonial misrepresentations. The bewildering human behaviour is a testament manifesting that communities were scarcely untied from the colonial fetters, and masked so that they hardly preach the gospel of humanity to the broader society. Such a challenge created a provocative environment, since there is no longer applicable platform for the voice of the voiceless, which negatively affect human belonging and well-being. The community supporting structures within the diverse historical landscape is required to empower people towards functional reactions in stressing related needs, such as counselling services, welfare and discipline policies within a tolerated social atmosphere. Various governmental and non-governmental structures should provide conflict-resolution initiatives and mediation programmes and other related community approved human edifices in the forms of heritagemarked days, commemoration and celebration of cultural events which will not defile the memory of people and offensively remind them of human atrocities and inhuman patterns of the past embodied in statues that mete out the horrific history

Keywords : Transformative Engagements, Restorative Environment, Cultural Fundamentals, Participatory Principles, Communal Interactions, Colonial Mentality

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