The Use of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Public Healthcare Efficiency at Galeshewe Community Health Clinic Northern Cape Province

Authors : Dr. John Motsamai Modise; Phemelo Sheldon Modise

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : :- This study is founded upon the Technological Determinism Theory as the theory is considered to provide the most appropriate foundational framework for the study’s intent to establish how artificial intelligence can be used to improve the efficiency of public healthcare at Galeshewe Community Health Clinic. Consequently this study’s central theoretical statements indicated below are derived from the aforementioned theoretical perspective. The technological advancements introduced in the 4IR have presented opportunities for the efficient use of technology within the public healthcare arena. The study will tackle the problem of extended waiting time, poor record-keeping, poor infection and hygiene control procedures, adverse events situations, medicine and equipment shortages, and heightened litigation that GCHC is facing. A qualitative research approach was chosen for this study, to develop an in-depth understanding how artificial intelligence can be used to improve the efficiency of public healthcare, with specific reference to GCHC.

Keywords : Artificial Intelligence; Healthcare Efficiency; Public Healthcare Services; Improve

:- This study is founded upon the Technological Determinism Theory as the theory is considered to provide the most appropriate foundational framework for the study’s intent to establish how artificial intelligence can be used to improve the efficiency of public healthcare at Galeshewe Community Health Clinic. Consequently this study’s central theoretical statements indicated below are derived from the aforementioned theoretical perspective. The technological advancements introduced in the 4IR have presented opportunities for the efficient use of technology within the public healthcare arena. The study will tackle the problem of extended waiting time, poor record-keeping, poor infection and hygiene control procedures, adverse events situations, medicine and equipment shortages, and heightened litigation that GCHC is facing. A qualitative research approach was chosen for this study, to develop an in-depth understanding how artificial intelligence can be used to improve the efficiency of public healthcare, with specific reference to GCHC.

Keywords : Artificial Intelligence; Healthcare Efficiency; Public Healthcare Services; Improve

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