The Women's Emotional Language, A Case Study on The Mamesh Squad Sociality Community in Jember City: A Psycholinguistic Study

Authors : Qurrotu Ayunin; Dina Dyah; K Agustina Dwi S

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August

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Abstract : The objectives of this study were 1) to identify the diction of the emotional language used by the Mamesh Squad socialite woman who has a SiSeSa branded shirt in Jember City; 2) To identify the emotional language style used by the Mamesh Squad socialite woman who owns the SiSeSa branded clothes in Jember City. The approach used in this research is qualitative. The results showed that first, the diction of emotional language uttered by the Mamesh Squad socialite woman in expressing feelings when having a SiSeSa branded shirt in Jember was found, including abstract words, concrete words, general words, special words, popular words, study words , nonbaku words original words, and loan words as well as denotative and connotative words. The emotional language style used by the Mamesh Squad socialite woman in expressing feelings when having a SiSeSa branded shirt in Jember City consists of four types of language styles contained in the emotions of the Mamesh Squad Socialite woman. Women's emotional expression of all feelings through word selection or diction so as to produce emotional sentences and language styles that can evoke a woman's psychological condition.

Keywords : language diction, language style, socialite

The objectives of this study were 1) to identify the diction of the emotional language used by the Mamesh Squad socialite woman who has a SiSeSa branded shirt in Jember City; 2) To identify the emotional language style used by the Mamesh Squad socialite woman who owns the SiSeSa branded clothes in Jember City. The approach used in this research is qualitative. The results showed that first, the diction of emotional language uttered by the Mamesh Squad socialite woman in expressing feelings when having a SiSeSa branded shirt in Jember was found, including abstract words, concrete words, general words, special words, popular words, study words , nonbaku words original words, and loan words as well as denotative and connotative words. The emotional language style used by the Mamesh Squad socialite woman in expressing feelings when having a SiSeSa branded shirt in Jember City consists of four types of language styles contained in the emotions of the Mamesh Squad Socialite woman. Women's emotional expression of all feelings through word selection or diction so as to produce emotional sentences and language styles that can evoke a woman's psychological condition.

Keywords : language diction, language style, socialite

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