To Assess the Knowledge on Prevention and Control of Worm Infestations Among the Mothers’ of Underfive Children at Erode, Tamilnadu

Authors : Indira.S; Radha.R;Shajin Gijo.Y; Revathi.S

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : Most of the health problems of children are preventable. Worm infestations are probably more significant than specific vitamin and mineral deficiencies. In India, the problem is to be more common because of bad hygiene, poor awareness, illiteracy, misbelieves and poverty. 1 Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge level on worm infestations among the mothers. 2. To compare the knowledge of mothers with demographic variables. Material and Methods: A descriptive research design with cross sectional survey approach and convenient sampling technique were used. The target population was mothers of underfive children and structured interview schedule were used to collect the data for 100 samples

Keywords : Assess the Knowledge, Prevention and Control, Worm infestations, Mothers’ of Underfive Children.

Most of the health problems of children are preventable. Worm infestations are probably more significant than specific vitamin and mineral deficiencies. In India, the problem is to be more common because of bad hygiene, poor awareness, illiteracy, misbelieves and poverty. 1 Objectives: 1. To assess the knowledge level on worm infestations among the mothers. 2. To compare the knowledge of mothers with demographic variables. Material and Methods: A descriptive research design with cross sectional survey approach and convenient sampling technique were used. The target population was mothers of underfive children and structured interview schedule were used to collect the data for 100 samples

Keywords : Assess the Knowledge, Prevention and Control, Worm infestations, Mothers’ of Underfive Children.

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