Authors :
Er. Sandeep kumar; Er.Aruna bhatia
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Vehicular network are receiving a lot of
attention due to the wide variety of services they can
provide. Their applications range from safety and crash
avoidance to internet access and multimedia. A lot of
work search around the globe is being conducted to
define the standards for vehicular communications. These
include frequency allocations, standards for physical and
link layers routing algorithm, as well as security issues
and new applications. In this paper we review the
standardization work and researches related to vehicular
networks and discuss the challenges facing future
vehicular networks. VANETs have become an intriguing
field of study since vehicles capable of having detectors,
processing and communication devices. Consequently,
several lives changing software surfaced in various areas
such as society and security services.VANETs are
considered A kind of emergency category networks.
However, It possess unique qualities.That differentiates
they appreciate Bandwidth requirements, privacy,
security & excellent versatility of nodes. This paper
discusses VANET’s special characteristics and explains
why VANETs are considered a subcategory of ad hoc
networks. Also, A grouping of VANETs architectures
shows itself here study. The worth of VANETs will and
their requirements, together with their The programmes
show up in this study. Furthermore Multiple protocols for
routing proposed for Studying and categorising Virtual
Area Networks for this work, protocols are given.
Keywords :
VANET, VWCA, and Sensor Coverage Vehicle ad-hoc Networking, Generalized C Methods, Q- LEACH, IEEE 802.11p Procedure, Energy use, and Connection Delay.
Vehicular network are receiving a lot of
attention due to the wide variety of services they can
provide. Their applications range from safety and crash
avoidance to internet access and multimedia. A lot of
work search around the globe is being conducted to
define the standards for vehicular communications. These
include frequency allocations, standards for physical and
link layers routing algorithm, as well as security issues
and new applications. In this paper we review the
standardization work and researches related to vehicular
networks and discuss the challenges facing future
vehicular networks. VANETs have become an intriguing
field of study since vehicles capable of having detectors,
processing and communication devices. Consequently,
several lives changing software surfaced in various areas
such as society and security services.VANETs are
considered A kind of emergency category networks.
However, It possess unique qualities.That differentiates
they appreciate Bandwidth requirements, privacy,
security & excellent versatility of nodes. This paper
discusses VANET’s special characteristics and explains
why VANETs are considered a subcategory of ad hoc
networks. Also, A grouping of VANETs architectures
shows itself here study. The worth of VANETs will and
their requirements, together with their The programmes
show up in this study. Furthermore Multiple protocols for
routing proposed for Studying and categorising Virtual
Area Networks for this work, protocols are given.
Keywords :
VANET, VWCA, and Sensor Coverage Vehicle ad-hoc Networking, Generalized C Methods, Q- LEACH, IEEE 802.11p Procedure, Energy use, and Connection Delay.