To Know about the Job Satisfaction Level of Working Women in the Education Sector.

Authors : Anam Nazneen tara; Yan zhang

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : The job satisfaction of female workers working in the public school system in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, is examined in this study article. The study offers a thorough grasp of the problem by concentrating on 54 Government Girls High Schools in the district and randomly choosing 270 instructors from each school to participate in the survey using questionnaires. According to the study's findings, female teachers at Lahore's public schools often have very positive feelings about their work. It is clear from a thorough review of the questionnaire responses that these educators find happiness and fulfillment in their professional duties and responsibilities. The descriptive aspect of the study provides useful insights into the numerous elements influencing the high levels of work satisfaction reported by female instructors. Female teachers who are happy in their jobs are more likely to be motivated, dedicated, involved in what they do, which improves student learning outcomes and boosts organizational performance. In conclusion, this study considerably advances our knowledge of female teachers' work satisfaction in the public school system in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. The fact that these educators reported high levels of job satisfaction highlights the value of creating an atmosphere that is both encouraging and empowering in order to maintain the expansion and success of the education sector. As a result, more study and focused activities may build on these results to encourage work satisfaction among female teachers, helping to advance the region's educational system as a whole.

Keywords : Job Satisfaction, Working Women, Government Education Sector, Gender Disparities, Employee Well-being.

The job satisfaction of female workers working in the public school system in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, is examined in this study article. The study offers a thorough grasp of the problem by concentrating on 54 Government Girls High Schools in the district and randomly choosing 270 instructors from each school to participate in the survey using questionnaires. According to the study's findings, female teachers at Lahore's public schools often have very positive feelings about their work. It is clear from a thorough review of the questionnaire responses that these educators find happiness and fulfillment in their professional duties and responsibilities. The descriptive aspect of the study provides useful insights into the numerous elements influencing the high levels of work satisfaction reported by female instructors. Female teachers who are happy in their jobs are more likely to be motivated, dedicated, involved in what they do, which improves student learning outcomes and boosts organizational performance. In conclusion, this study considerably advances our knowledge of female teachers' work satisfaction in the public school system in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. The fact that these educators reported high levels of job satisfaction highlights the value of creating an atmosphere that is both encouraging and empowering in order to maintain the expansion and success of the education sector. As a result, more study and focused activities may build on these results to encourage work satisfaction among female teachers, helping to advance the region's educational system as a whole.

Keywords : Job Satisfaction, Working Women, Government Education Sector, Gender Disparities, Employee Well-being.

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