To Study the comparison of mechanical properties of Banana/Kapok fabrics reinforced unsaturated polyester resin

Authors : Deepak Sharma, Sangamdeep singh, Dinesh Kumar

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : Today the use of composite material in the manufacturing field is increasing day by day. The composite material consists of two or more different forms of material. The natural fiber like banana, kapok, jute, bamboo, and silk plays an important role to enhance the properties of composite material. In the present work polyester is used with natural fiber i.e. banana and kapok. The composite material (Polyester & Banana fiber and Polyester & kapok fiber) having weight percentage 90%&10% respectively. The fibers are treated with NaOH and water solution. The specimen of composite material are manufactured by hand layup method. The mechanical properties such as tensile, flexural and shear are calculated and analyzed. In this conclusion kapok is better in tensile strength as compared to banana but in case of banana fiber, flexural and shear strength is better obtained.

Keywords : Polyester, kapok fibre and banana fibre.

Today the use of composite material in the manufacturing field is increasing day by day. The composite material consists of two or more different forms of material. The natural fiber like banana, kapok, jute, bamboo, and silk plays an important role to enhance the properties of composite material. In the present work polyester is used with natural fiber i.e. banana and kapok. The composite material (Polyester & Banana fiber and Polyester & kapok fiber) having weight percentage 90%&10% respectively. The fibers are treated with NaOH and water solution. The specimen of composite material are manufactured by hand layup method. The mechanical properties such as tensile, flexural and shear are calculated and analyzed. In this conclusion kapok is better in tensile strength as compared to banana but in case of banana fiber, flexural and shear strength is better obtained.

Keywords : Polyester, kapok fibre and banana fibre.

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