Authors :
Dr. Ravindra Rajpal; Chavan Amruta Arun; Dr. Deepak Khawale
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 9 - September
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Abstract :
According to Ayurveda, Twak is the organ
which covers the external surface of the body. According
to modern science, skin is protective organ of the body.
In these era, reccurence of skin disease have increased
tremendously. In Ayurveda all skin disease are
considered under broad heading of Kushtha Disease.
Kushtha are mainly divided into seven types of Maha
Kushtha and eleven types of Kshudra Kushtha. Dadru is
one of the Kshudra Kushtha. Dadru is one of the most
common but curable twak vicar affecting all the age of
population. Dadru is one of the Kshudra Kushtha with
predominance of Pitta and Kalpha dosha. The symptoms
of dadru are Raga (erythema ), Kandu ( itching), Pidika
and mandal formatiuon ( vesicle or pustules).The
symptoms of Dadruasnd Tineacorporis shows
tremendous similarities with each other. The Nidan ,
Samprapti, Roopa and Bheda of Dadru goes with many
similarities with that of Tinea infection. Many drugs are
mentioned for internal and external application
described in ancient Samhitha. So a remedy would be
easy to follow efficacy ,cost effective and also free from
all side effect should be adopted .PathyadiLepa
mentioned in Bhavprakash contain the drug Haritaki,
Karanj, Nisha, Bakuchi, Vidanga , Sarshap and
Keywords :
Kushtha , Dadru , Tineacorporis, PathyadiLepa
According to Ayurveda, Twak is the organ
which covers the external surface of the body. According
to modern science, skin is protective organ of the body.
In these era, reccurence of skin disease have increased
tremendously. In Ayurveda all skin disease are
considered under broad heading of Kushtha Disease.
Kushtha are mainly divided into seven types of Maha
Kushtha and eleven types of Kshudra Kushtha. Dadru is
one of the Kshudra Kushtha. Dadru is one of the most
common but curable twak vicar affecting all the age of
population. Dadru is one of the Kshudra Kushtha with
predominance of Pitta and Kalpha dosha. The symptoms
of dadru are Raga (erythema ), Kandu ( itching), Pidika
and mandal formatiuon ( vesicle or pustules).The
symptoms of Dadruasnd Tineacorporis shows
tremendous similarities with each other. The Nidan ,
Samprapti, Roopa and Bheda of Dadru goes with many
similarities with that of Tinea infection. Many drugs are
mentioned for internal and external application
described in ancient Samhitha. So a remedy would be
easy to follow efficacy ,cost effective and also free from
all side effect should be adopted .PathyadiLepa
mentioned in Bhavprakash contain the drug Haritaki,
Karanj, Nisha, Bakuchi, Vidanga , Sarshap and
Keywords :
Kushtha , Dadru , Tineacorporis, PathyadiLepa