Toward an Appropriate Energy Efficiency Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for IoT Applications

Authors : Rodgers Kimera; Richard Okello Angole; David Kakeeto

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

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Abstract : In this current generation of increasing adoption of advanced computing and Internet of Things applications, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) will attract an elevating role in supporting several IoT use cases and applications in real life. Such applications include weather monitoring, agriculture, health, security applications, among others. Since demand for such applications has increased, there is a need to study and implement WSN in such a way that will efficiently support implementation of IoT applications across locations including the world of inaccessible areas. Most of the sensor devices that support IoT application implementation are battery powered and always have limitations with energy optimization especially when they are installed in inaccessible areas. Due to this fact, energy optimization in WSN is attracting great attention. The applications of WSN have spanned across various environments, and several other challenges and constraints such as Network Performance, Delay, Energy Efficiency, Limited bandwidth, Node costs, and Complexity of Network protocols exist and all affect WSN performance hence greatly affecting IoT applications implementation. Several categories of Routing protocols exist ranging from reactive, proactive, hybrid among others but this research only concentrates on reactive and Proactive protocols of Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Optimized Link-state Routing (OLSR) in analyzing and studying energy efficiency in WSN. In this paper, we recount on experimental methodology to simulate mechanisms and draw conclusion on selected Routing protocols to determine one with a most efficient Energy optimization strategy in a WSN design.

Keywords : Wireless Sensor Networks, Data Transfer Rate, Energy Consumption, Packet Delivery Ratio, Sensor Node, Sink Node.

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  5. N. Shabbir, S. R. Hassan, N. Shabbir, and S. R. Hassan, “Routing Protocols for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs),” Wireless Sensor Networks - Insights and Innovations, Oct. 2017, doi: 10.5772/INTECHOPEN.70208.

In this current generation of increasing adoption of advanced computing and Internet of Things applications, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) will attract an elevating role in supporting several IoT use cases and applications in real life. Such applications include weather monitoring, agriculture, health, security applications, among others. Since demand for such applications has increased, there is a need to study and implement WSN in such a way that will efficiently support implementation of IoT applications across locations including the world of inaccessible areas. Most of the sensor devices that support IoT application implementation are battery powered and always have limitations with energy optimization especially when they are installed in inaccessible areas. Due to this fact, energy optimization in WSN is attracting great attention. The applications of WSN have spanned across various environments, and several other challenges and constraints such as Network Performance, Delay, Energy Efficiency, Limited bandwidth, Node costs, and Complexity of Network protocols exist and all affect WSN performance hence greatly affecting IoT applications implementation. Several categories of Routing protocols exist ranging from reactive, proactive, hybrid among others but this research only concentrates on reactive and Proactive protocols of Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV) and Optimized Link-state Routing (OLSR) in analyzing and studying energy efficiency in WSN. In this paper, we recount on experimental methodology to simulate mechanisms and draw conclusion on selected Routing protocols to determine one with a most efficient Energy optimization strategy in a WSN design.

Keywords : Wireless Sensor Networks, Data Transfer Rate, Energy Consumption, Packet Delivery Ratio, Sensor Node, Sink Node.

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