Authors :
Oyuntsetseg. L.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The changes in society, economy, and
environment, along with the rapid development of science
and technology, necessitate a reevaluation and
redefinition of educational policies and learning issues. It
is crucial to reconsider knowledge, skills, and attitudes of
graduates in relation to the future labor market.
Keywords :
Transforming Education, Digital Transformation, Education Policy, Digital Learning.
References :
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- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. Future of Education and Skills 2030: Conceptual Learning Framework, Education and AI: Preparing for the Future & AI, Attitudes and Values. 8th Informal Working Group (IWG) Meeting 29-31 October 2018 OECD.
- Oyuncetseg, L., Rinchinbazar, R. (2022). "The 4th Industrial Revolution: Changes in Education Policy and Future Outlook" Presentation. - Ulaanbaatar, National University of Mongolia, "University Development: Issues and Solutions" International academic Conference. December 15, 2022.
The changes in society, economy, and
environment, along with the rapid development of science
and technology, necessitate a reevaluation and
redefinition of educational policies and learning issues. It
is crucial to reconsider knowledge, skills, and attitudes of
graduates in relation to the future labor market.
Keywords :
Transforming Education, Digital Transformation, Education Policy, Digital Learning.