Trends In Scientific Research on the Use of Residues from the Manufacture of Cassava Starch (Manihot Esculenta Crantz)

Authors : Samara Cristina Araújo Cabral; Eduardo Sérgio Soares Souza; Diego José Araújo Bandeira; Tiago da Nóbrega Albuquerque; Marcia Janiele Nunes da Cunha Lima; Antônio Nunes de Oliveira; Anúbes Pereira de; Karoline Carvalho Dornelas

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June

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Abstract : Cassava is one of the main energy foods consumed in underdeveloped countries. Among cassava by-products, starch is the most valued, due to its wide use as raw material for food production. The industrial processing of cassava starch produces a large amount of waste, the improper disposal of this material can cause serious environmental problems. In this sense, this work aimed to investigate the scientific production on the study of the use of residues from the processing of cassava starch (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in the period from 2016 to 2021. For this, a qualitative, exploratory study was used. and bibliography. The categorization made it possible to identify a higher incidence of publications in the themes that deal with obtaining cassava starch and the development of biodegradable films for covering fruits and vegetables. Considering only the publications that address the residues from the processing of cassava starch, a predominance of publications that deal with products made from cassava bagasse was identified. Regarding the areas with the lowest incidence of publications, the categories of physical and functional properties of cassava starch and the category of residues from the manufacture of cassava starch have been highlighted. The categories of wastewater treatment (manipueira) and surfactant manufacturing processes from manipueira also presented a lack of publications. The results obtained allow identifying trends in publications on the subject as well as indicating opportunities for research development in less studied areas.

Keywords : Cassava, Manipueira, Cassava Bagasse

Cassava is one of the main energy foods consumed in underdeveloped countries. Among cassava by-products, starch is the most valued, due to its wide use as raw material for food production. The industrial processing of cassava starch produces a large amount of waste, the improper disposal of this material can cause serious environmental problems. In this sense, this work aimed to investigate the scientific production on the study of the use of residues from the processing of cassava starch (Manihot esculenta Crantz) in the period from 2016 to 2021. For this, a qualitative, exploratory study was used. and bibliography. The categorization made it possible to identify a higher incidence of publications in the themes that deal with obtaining cassava starch and the development of biodegradable films for covering fruits and vegetables. Considering only the publications that address the residues from the processing of cassava starch, a predominance of publications that deal with products made from cassava bagasse was identified. Regarding the areas with the lowest incidence of publications, the categories of physical and functional properties of cassava starch and the category of residues from the manufacture of cassava starch have been highlighted. The categories of wastewater treatment (manipueira) and surfactant manufacturing processes from manipueira also presented a lack of publications. The results obtained allow identifying trends in publications on the subject as well as indicating opportunities for research development in less studied areas.

Keywords : Cassava, Manipueira, Cassava Bagasse

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