Authors :
Precious Dube
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 9 - September
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Abstract :
The aim of this research was to investigate
the extent to which instructional media is effectively
used by secondary school teachers in their day today
activities. The research design which was used in this
research is the case study. Instruments which were used
to gather data were interviews, questionnaires and
observation. The population of the research were all 85
teachers and heads of departments (H.O.Ds) at Mkoba
1 High School from which simple random sampling was
used to select a sample of 32 teachers and H.O.Ds. The
literature reviewed showed that, there were various
types of instructional media which could be used for
teaching and learning but however there were also
various changes which hindered teachers from using
instructional media. Findings from the study revealed
that, there were a variety of instructional media at
Mkoba 1 High School which could be used for teaching
and learning. However, teachers did not often use
instructional media due to a number of challenges
which included, lack of time, lack of knowledge on how
to prepare and use the media, inadequate media, and
lack of financial resources among other challenges.
Teachers and H. O Ds proposed that, Mkoba1 should
do staff improvement meetings in order to teach
teachers on how to make and use media, and also
reduce work load for them so that they could have
enough time to use media and also hold fund raising
activities in order to raise money to buy teaching media
Keywords :
Instructional Media, Teaching And Learning, Secondary School.
The aim of this research was to investigate
the extent to which instructional media is effectively
used by secondary school teachers in their day today
activities. The research design which was used in this
research is the case study. Instruments which were used
to gather data were interviews, questionnaires and
observation. The population of the research were all 85
teachers and heads of departments (H.O.Ds) at Mkoba
1 High School from which simple random sampling was
used to select a sample of 32 teachers and H.O.Ds. The
literature reviewed showed that, there were various
types of instructional media which could be used for
teaching and learning but however there were also
various changes which hindered teachers from using
instructional media. Findings from the study revealed
that, there were a variety of instructional media at
Mkoba 1 High School which could be used for teaching
and learning. However, teachers did not often use
instructional media due to a number of challenges
which included, lack of time, lack of knowledge on how
to prepare and use the media, inadequate media, and
lack of financial resources among other challenges.
Teachers and H. O Ds proposed that, Mkoba1 should
do staff improvement meetings in order to teach
teachers on how to make and use media, and also
reduce work load for them so that they could have
enough time to use media and also hold fund raising
activities in order to raise money to buy teaching media
Keywords :
Instructional Media, Teaching And Learning, Secondary School.